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(Changes and edits to this update are in bold!)

So it's happened... well, been happening. The sketches are piling up faster than I can address them. I have to change this tier for the better so that I can feasibly catch up. Next month, the Deluge tier will function differently. I will still finish each and every single sketch that is owed so far, but it may take a while. I appreciate how patient and supportive you guys have been about this. Truth is... sketches aren't the "fast but worthy" reward I had hoped they would be. I tend to dwell and overthink and before I know it I'm far behind. Something has to change.

But change into what? I want something new for the Deluge tier that will be worthwhile without putting me in a position where I'd fall behind again. I've given it some thought with the help of some of you guys, and this is what we've come up with.

Next month I want to start the "Box of Suggestions" exclusive only to Deluge tier supporters. This will replace the current Deluge tier reward. The result I am hoping for is something that can be more interactive and engaging while also being structured in a way that's easy for me to stay on top of.

To boil it down: Each week, every Deluge tier supporter will get a chance to suggest anything they'd want me to draw. Each weekend, I will pick a few of my favorites from these suggestions and sketch them out for everyone to enjoy via Picarto Stream. This really takes the guesswork out of "what to sketch" for me. They will then be uploaded on Patreon the next day. Deluge tier supporters do not have to be present on the Picarto stream to get their idea drawn. As long as you are a deluge supporter who's left a suggestion, I will be sure to read it and give it some thought.

The suggestions will take place via Discord. Monday will start the new week giving you 5 days to leave a suggestion. Friday is the deadline. I will have a checklist of all previous month's deluge tier pledges.EDIT: You must have 3 weeks paid in the previous month to qualify for suggestions in the next month. This is to make things fair for the other tiers who pay consistently for each weekly upload vs single week per month supporters in the Deluge tier.

But there's more:

One of these sketches will be made into a full colored featured Patreon upload. (probably the first upload of each next month)

-This is not a raffle. Your suggestion matters.

-Popular demand carries weight too. Same ideas asked by multiple deluge tier supporters are more likely to be seriously considered.

-I will try to maintain Deluge tier sketch day streams on Saturdays, but this is not set in stone.

-I will still continue to work on catching up with all outstanding deluge tier pledges. (that means if I owe you a sketch, you will still get it)

-I will also change the Deluge Tier limit to 50 instead of 40 starting in September. I know it's currently been sold out.

[EDIT] Any suggestion CAN involve your OC, Multiple characters, and crossovers.

Before going much further with this idea (starting September), I want to hear what you think. Thank you so much for your support and your honesty. I owe it to you guys to make this Patreon setup work the best it possibly can.


Riz Lysander

4 chances a month to suggest something to be drawn is a pretty nice replacement. Would we be able to suggest our own characters and such to be drawn?


Yay for growing as an artist! :D


I have nothing against it


Sounds like a big change! I don't mind it at all, though I think it does raise a few interesting concerns. How will you deal with patrons not connected through Discord, and will there be a minimum requirement for the number of weeks pledged per month for the deluge tier?


Those are some good questions. I am considering if it would be better to simply set the minimum to 3 paid weeks in the previous month to qualify for suggestions, only because paying 1 week per month seems unfair to people who consistently pay 4 weeks in the 4 dollar tier. As for the other question: People who are not on discord can simply send their suggestions via Patreon.