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Hey everyone!

Sorry, I’ve been a little MIA as of late. I’ve been pretty slammed at work (it’s supposed to be the slow season!) and it’s cut into A LOT of my art time.

I have lots of pieces on the go though; basic layouts for some ideas, and I have been making my way through the loooong list of commission tier requests.

I do want to make a couple of comments and reminders though;

If you have messaged me in the last little while and I haven’t responded, please just be patient. If your message is about a commission tier request, just know I am looking at them and adding to the list. The list is long though. I am determined to get through it, but just be patient, please.

On the commission tier requests; I just want to remind the members that the commissions are for single characters ONLY. Full color, background, text, shoes or flip flops off to the side, etc, are all included, BUT, no extra characters, FJ pieces in these. The point is that you guys in the comm tier can get x2 single character commissions a month for a low price. It also allows me to manage getting through them a bit quicker than if I have to do multi character or FJ pieces. So please just keep this in mind when sending your monthly requests in.

The past little while I’ve mainly been able to do work and post stuff on the weekends, and sometimes I’ve been able to accomplish a few comms so I have some stuff to post during the week. This may be the case for the next little while due to my actual job, but, I will make it through.

As always, I appreciate all the support you’ve all given me over the last few years, so I will continue to do my best and keep producing content you guys will enjoy!



Sounds good boss. Stay well👍