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So I finally tried AI generation...

Here are a few examples. I will be releasing first packs shortly, probably in a separate tier.

But I might release those for other tiers as well later on based on the feedback, so please let me know if this is the kind of content you might be interested into.

I'm still experimenting with the prompts and figuring out how all of this works, so there might be some imperfections here and there (definitely hands, fingers etc).

In the future, I'm planning on trying out different styles and characters (including original).

Does this mean I will stop producing 3d animations? No, for now I would like to keep the output on a similar level and produce the AI generated content in addition to that. But, the priorities might shift  in the future. I know some of you might be disappointed about this change.. Sorry, but frankly I wasn't feeling as strongly about making animations for quite a while now.

Hovewer, I would also like to hear your feedback and adjust the output accordingly.


Dark Dreams

Personally, I love your animations. I realize I am biased because we collaborate, but I think you have a great eye for models and scene builds, and would support you even if we didn't collab on occasion. Regardless of that, I think you should do what makes you happy and what you're passionate about. I would love to see you continue doing both. I would support you either way, but I think it would be a shame to see such a gifted artist step away from animation altogether. But you definitely shouldn't continue if you're feeling burnt out or lacking in passion. Nice work on the AI posters. I would love to see more of these style posters, especially if you created some more unique intimate encounters.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am very lucky to have this kind of support.

