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What do you all think?

Ideas so far:

  • March Hares - Bunnyboys and Bunnygals
  • March Monsters - Monster girlies!
  • March Vampires - I've had some suggestions for more vampires, that's all.
  • April Flowers - Plantfolk and vines
  • April Fools - Another shot at clowns, mimes and jesters as 'lers or lees.
  • Springtime - Overall spring themes - bunnies, eggs, chocolate...? Nature? Horny satyrs?



I would love to see some bunny guys and gals getting up to some Tickly kinky fun times


I’m Always a sucker for vampires. I’d love to see them for March. April Flowers sounds the best to me for April. Excited as always to see what you make! ☺️


Vampires sound interesting for March, although not entirely sure of the connection between the two. Always up for clowns being involved in tickles as well, so can go there too.


I’m down for April fools again. Not enough good-quality tickle clown content, despite it being such a fantastic idea for exploration


vampires and fools are very good

Princess Lil

Vampires sound fun!


I like the thought of April Flowers myself, seems March is already slated to be Vampire related as well XD so seems like a good thing to go with too!