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So, after I posted that last update...

I contracted a terrible cold from my flatmate...

And wound up horribly, horribly ill for a week.

I'm still getting over it (it's waning, but still there), so I'm going to pause the billing cycle for next month. I won't charge you guys - I'll instead work on requests that I still haven't managed to get through because I've not been well enough to do so.

Thanks for being patient, again. I will be having words with my immune system about these delays because I am not happy with it.

Be safe and well, y'all!



Sorry to hear you've gone through that. Hope you recover soon and get plenty of rest. Best to take things slow for a while.


Oh lord, I hope you get to feeling better soon!! Stay safe!


Heck that's terrible ; v; drink lots of water! Take the time you need to rest up and get better! no worries on the pause, just work through what you need too! :3 appreciate the update! ; v ; Hope you get better swiftly from here on in!