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Sometimes you'll find a bossy tief who's all talk, and the wide-horned Oryx fits that bill well. They might make good handles if you were doing something else, but for now, she's volunteered to be the next tickle-victim of the devious mischief demons - arms bound behind her back, thighs held wide by her own steely willpower, and one tiefling trying desperately to stay still.

Her tummy is soft, soft enough for wiggling fingers to sink right into in a delightfully ticklish manner, so a mischief demon scribbles its way around the sensitive expanse, occasionally grabbing at her ribs or splashing against her sides or squeezing at her super-ticklish hips, while its pointy tail-tip dips and teases at her navel, each touch earning a new hiccup of excited laughter!

The top of her right foot is subject to torturous tickling as one mischief demon gleefully lays stuck beneath it, using its vantage point to tickle and tickle and tickle until poor Oryx can't take another second. Over at her left foot, a mischief demon reaches its nimble little hands under to stroke her soles, each touch making her laughter raise in pitch and intensity...

But of course, her ticklish nipples steal the show, with the occasional pinch to the hyper-sensitive buds causing the bound tiefling to quiver, desperately resisting the urge to buck and moan, each tickle and tug sending shocks of pleasure down to where a high-powered vibrator is shoved in deep, rolling vibrations slamming into all the right places as a tiefling tickles one tiny finger against her swollen, desperate clit...

If Oryx wants to cum, she has to keep those thighs nice and open. But the cruel foot tickling would get to any tiefling, and Oryx's drive to keep her thighs wide and her feet planted in place dwindles with every touch. The swirling touches around her nipples don't help, and although Oryx adores each minute, each minute is harder for the chatty, headstrong tief to take. Will she be allowed to cum at all? Or will she be left giggling and needy for a while longer?

What demon girl will fall victim next? Who will submit to the playful clutches of the mischief demons? Find out tomorrow!

As always, thank you for your support, tell your tickle-loving friends, the dialogue version is availible to download, and happy new year!



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