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Today was kinda insane!!!

It started with me getting frustrated at my notebook (again) because I needed my internet working asap for my therapy session (a very common occurrence). 

But guess what? the wi-fi adapter is most likely dead this time!!!

I tried connecting by cable... but the port is most likely dusty and rusty so it didn't recognize the cable at all.

I'm lucky my SO was working from home  with telemarketing until recently, so he kinda had a portable wi-fi adapter. But guess what? you need internet to configure it!!! whaaat!!!

So I tried looking up if you can route internet with bluetooth from your phone(?). You actually can!!! That was how I was able to download the driver for it.

And I did this all using my tablet as a mouse, because the notebook's trackpad is fucked up and I can't use it most of the time as well!!!!

So yeah, I was going to put a SSD on my decade old notebook to try saving it but I guess I'll have to buy a new one....I HATE HATE touching on my saving but guess I have no escape from it. 

And also... maybe getting a new computer means I'll be able to work more efficiently. Y'all have no idea how much lag happens when I work on bigger canvases, such as apparition pages.

I'M TIRED...............the day (and week) has been so rough.... but I wanted to vent and here's always a good place for that.

Thanks for the support y'all! thinking on opening new patreon tiers with rewards (like a sketch half body or something like that!) and opening commission slots. Life's crazy.....




It's maddening whenever any sort of technology that helps you connect to the internet wants you to ALREADY be connected to the internet. But it seems way too common!! I bet the new computer will help you get things done with way less frustration, and in my experience that can be a requirement to get things done at all.


computer issues always come at the worst times. my own computer has started making weird noises sometimes, i'm just curious when it's going to explode


this anticipation kills the man.... I've had some issues with my current one but I may have threaded in a path of no return lol.....


RIGHT?? WHY?? you said it all....I'm trying to latch on what you said - that gives me a bit of hope.