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 Preparations for this project took me a while! oof! Further experimentation with this project will be way more smooth, as i have worked out the structure i'll be making for all other constellations.

 As this is the first constellation i'll be posting out, i'll take the opportunity to talk about a bit on how i'll deal with posting those!

 Starting out with Aquila, The Eagle!

 Firstly as you can see, a full illustration of the constellation itself! Using magic, the heroes are able to summon beings made up from raw cosmic energy - a harem made from all the stars in the sky - the legacy of great wizard king!

 When not summoned by the armillary spheres into this material plane the constellations are deep asleep in the cosmos, waiting for orders of their master.

 As you can see, the great wizard was very fond of men...! I'll explore lots of body types. 

Each constellation has domain over a specific field of magic! That's how the great wizard unified all magic systems - a great feat!!! Aquila is able to manipulate thunder magic. To show this in particular i'll play with making a mock up UI of a sphere grid like progression system, shaped like the constellations themselves!

 I'll try to be consistent with these two: the full finished and dormant versions - but i'll try to experiment with the UI as well -  i love drawing ornaments and gemstones.




incredible design floatie! this is prime material for a wonderfully designed game, i'm impressed as always!