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The day was like any other. Barley had just gotten done working at the Burger Shire! He grabbed a quick meal before heading home in his blue van. He now lived with his boyfriend in a small mushroom home and he was also a wizard! They had been dating for about a year now and already have had so many adventures together! Barley perked up eagerly excited to spend some time with him after the long day! He grinned biting his lip and he opened the door. His boyfriend sat in the chair reading before looking up smiling!

“Oh hey honey! How was work?!” He said putting his book down coming to hug him!

“It was ok but even better now that I’m home! I’m whooped!”

“Well…. I know how we can make this day even more special!” His boyfriend grinned smacking Barleys ass as he leaned in for a kiss.

“Oo Ho yeah! Well let me clean up my quests table and then when I get back we can explore some more!” Barley squeezes his boyfriends ass winking before walking down to the basement.

Whenever Barley had time, he would play Quests of Yore with his friends and work buddies who were interested! It was always a big ordeal that would last hours! His days were so busy lately though that he didn’t have a lot of time to play, thus junk piled up on his giant table. He was however planning another game night soon so he worked away at quickly trying to clean off the table. Getting clothes off of it and baskets and shoes and many other things lying around. As he reached for things on the other side of the table he accidentally bumped into it nudging the table backward. In the corner was his boyfriends staff! It was very similar to his brother Ian’s back at home who also possessed magical powers so he knew how special it was! He was told by his boyfriend to never touch it! It was however about to roll of lid the side of the table and hit the floor. He panicked lunging across the table catching it at the last second! “Man that was a close one! Uuuh babe!? I found your staff I think you were looking for it?” He yelled up from the basement. He looked back at the staff checking it out and smiling. He always loved magic! “Woah!!! It even has a Phoenix gem!!!”

“Oh babe! You found it good I’ll be there in a minute do not touch it!!!”

Barley gulped forgetting the rule and was about the quickly set it back down but noticed the gem had started glowing and orange hue. Within seconds the glowing grew a bit brighter! Barley began to feel tingly all over.

“Man…I feel kinda…funny….” He put his hand on his belly the room starting to swirl a little around him making him dizzy. All of the sudden Barley felt an odd sensation as his fingers started spreading apart. He looked down and his eyes shot open wide as he let out a high pitched screech! His stomach slowly began pushing outward little by little! He poked it curious if it was just bloating but to his dismay, it was soft and jiggly to the touch!

“W-what’s going on!?” He muttered frozen in place with curiously and fear. His stomach now looked like he swallowed a basketball slowly creeping outward. His shirt now riding up showing a sliver of blue belly. The odd sensation grew stronger and he noticed his belly s wasn’t the only thing growing! His pecs began to stretch his shirt tighter slowly causing the neck line to stretch little by little! He ran to and old standup mirror and was shocked by how big he looked already! He looked down him surprise noticing his ass was also filling the seat of his shorts up more and more pulling them tighter followed by his thighs! Another sensation began to occur. He looked in the mirror in shock at his widening form but also noticed he was slowly growing taller but by bit. His mouth fell open to yell but his breathe caught. The ceiling of the basement slowly grew closer and closer all at the same time his body growing fatter and fatter! He looked at his hands watching them swell up his fingers resembling more like thick sausages. His arms grew thicker and plumper as well! He adjusted his stance now feeling his shoes growing uncomfortable as his feet were now growing in size and also swelling a bit fatter. Before long his head hit the ceiling knocking him back to his senses!

“Oh no! I’m gonna burst out of the house!! I need to get out of here before my boyfriend gets hurt!” He quickly got to the stairs and started his way up them struggling with his new heft. But he was also quickly turning into a giant before his eyes! His doughy hips touched either side of the wall making it harder and harder to get up. He was now on all fours. His body now so big that it stretched the entire stair way! He put a giant hand on the top stair trying to pull himself up as his back now touched the ceiling of the stairway. Finally with a tug, he crawled his way up to the living room which he now took up most the space. Barley felt pressure and then relief as his toes grew bigger and meatier shoving their way out of his shoes splitting them in two! Just then his boyfriend walked around the corner.

“What is all the commotion in her- Aaaahhhhh!!! Barley what’s going on!!?” He looked at his swelling form shocked before seeing the staff that also grew in size with him in his hand. “BARLEY!!! I told you NOT to touch it! What we’re you thinking!?”

“I-it was an accident it was rolling off the table a-and nnnnnngggg! I didn’t want to break it!” His back hit the living room ceiling he was officially running out of space! His boyfriend backed into the kitchen staring in anger and shock!

“I-I need to find my spell book this is getting out of hand!”

Barleys clothes were hitting their limit as small tears formed on his tightly stretched fabric. His ass now so big it split the seat of his pants open revealing his comically tight underwear! His shirt ripped and the sleeves and his now huge belly slowly began pulling the shirt of part at the bottom. His denim jacket fought hard but were no match as his arms and now moobs pulled it apart! Cracks formed in the ceiling as he grew even larger! Slowly the ceiling crumbled as he pushed his way out through the ceiling! He was finally able to stand up giving his back a break. He looked in horror as he towered over the neighborhood now the true definition of a giant! Even so his ass swelled fatter finally splitting his pants and his face swelled with lard his cheeks looking more like a chipmunks! Finally he could feel the powers fade his swelling and growing coming to a slow stop! He grew uneasy sitting down of what remained of the roof now exhausted from the whole ordeal. Many of the neighbors heard the commotion and ran outside to stare in awww that this giant blue elf! His boyfriend ran out of the house with the book. Barley….I found out how to fix this but… you’re gonna have to wait a few days. The spell needs ingredients and I have to make a trip! Barleys face fell. How embarrassing, he was half naked and could be seen for miles! He nods his head slowly playing with his fat still in awe at how big he was. This was gonna be a long couple of days. Slowly he stood up carefully walking around people and houses making his way to ravens point! There it was just fields so he at least wouldn’t cause damage there! His boyfriend hopped in the car following behind. This sure was quite the interesting quest!



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