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Sequence and story early access! Will have a public release soon! This is a continuation of my inktober piece from day 8 hope you enjoy!

Brett was quite the looker. And on top of it was a star player on his football team. He had a six pack and all eyes on him. He had everything…and he knew it. His downfall though was he was cocky and could come off as quite the jerk. Always gabbing about how great he was or showing off his flat stomach. One day he boasted about his self to the wrong girl….a witch! She was truly disgusted and thought he was rude! So she must teach him a lesson!

On a weekend she snuck into his home and when he saw her she cast a spell. She made him hungry. Ravenous for food! And to make things even better. Every calorie turned into lard within minutes. She kept making food appear on the table. In his hypnotized state he couldn’t help but run over and shove handfuls of food and cake down his throat. It didn’t take very long before a small belly started poking out from under his red shirt! She watched on as minutes went by and more food continued to appear before him. He quickly shoved in more and more now drooling in anticipation for the next bite! His belly swelled larger, pecs got softer and meatier. She could slowly watch as his ass packed on more lbs stretching his sports shorts minute by minute. His shirt stretched tighter as his pecs protruded mor and started to hang lower,looking more like tits that jiggled  with each reach for food! His arms had lost all of its definition and now have grow large and round, stretching the sleeves of his shirt! His forearms now much wider. She looked at his hand remembering them large but sleek when she first met him had all disappeared into giant chunky sausages, his palms also looked thicker. The witch watched on dazzled as he shoved another piece of cake in! With a low grunt his belly surged forward knocking into the table. It was now clearly getting a deep overhang that just covered his waist band of his shorts! She observed the curvature of the band and it stretched around his hips. It looked taught and she could see his sides billowing out over it like a marshmallow being squeezed! She noticed the band slowly moving with each ravenous bite he took! His ass had his shorts stretched tight and they started to moan, his two cantaloupe sizes glutes slowly inflating with lard and pulling his band further down his crack! She was too dazzled looking at his form growing she forgot to refill the table! He quickly ran out of food before slamming his hands on the table and looking around ravenously like a gluttonous monster! He quickly turned on his heel wobbling front he new wait and stomped towards the kitchen. She was in pure ecstasy as his whole body bound and jiggled with each heavy step, his stance now wider as his thighs fought hard for space in their taught confines! She followed him to the kitchen as he started rapidly opening cabinets and shoving snacks into his mouth. Every reach sending ripples down his body. She quickly noticed each bite causing him to grow again!

“Let’s speed things up a bit and get those clothes off” she thought aloud as she restocked the cabinets, this time making the food triple in calories! The effects were instant! Now with every bite his whole body surged outward little by little. She listened as he struggled to reach the cabinets, his arms fighting his large plump tits for space! *RIIIIIPP* her mouth fell open as the speaks of his pants burst open ripping down the middle, his ass quickly burning through the hole trying to escape! Another tear could be heard as both of his sleeves got too tight and ripped out the sides, his upper arms exploding out of them! Each bite made the tears get larger, and more soon surfaced with loud pops as his thighs that were wall to wall in his burst out from the sides. He looked so much more different to her now that he was larger. His face really plumped how into large chipmunk cheeks and a double chin that bobbed with every bite! He looked so cuddly! Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard another tear. His whole body jolted larger deepening the tears. His feet now too fat for his converges tore out the sides showing his white socks.  She stood in shock at how well the spell was working! She decided to at least give him something he could appreciate and waved he finger pointing at him! Magic swirled around him and he started stretching taller! His frame grew wider in proportion to his height comically making his clothes even tighter. His hand grew larger and his feet quickly burst from the confines of the converse, his socks now a second skin. He hardly noticed the change as he just reach for the top shelf! As he finished the last of the top shelf, his shirt gave way to his large tits shredding  off his body. His shorts soon followed suit falling to the floor in tatters leaving him in just his tight underwear! She knew that after he finished everything she’d have to break the spell so he could fully enjoy his new look. She waved her finger pointing at the jiggly jock searching for more food. His eyes reverted to normal and he stopped searching confused. Looking around he sees her and his eyes grow wide…but he will soon realize his eyes aren’t the only thing that was wide!



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