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Chris Pratt looked down frightened as his body swelled beneath his finger tips. His washboard abs bloating into a ball of lard within seconds. He watched as it pushed through his blue button up causing the buttons to burst open. He didn’t know what to do, he was confused. He didn’t want this!…did he? He felt his ass press into his shorts making them oh so tighter, the button popping causing his belly to lurch forward! The jiggling sensation making him hard. He felt his thighs blow out in size tearing his pants, he felt like a water balloon blowing up in size! Finally, his body jiggled to a halt. He felt his new body up and down, his hard on now raging! He couldn’t contain it anymore! he hastily struggled creaking and bouncing on the bed to reach his hard on! Finally reaching it he let loose! He could get used to this new feeling!



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