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Post them here in a comment below. I made a change to them.

- 1 request per person

- No new characters

- No requesting series

- No gore

- No complicated requests



Wonder Woman sitting on a bench in a locker room, wearing only a white thong with a wet stain on it, looking scared up to a guy of which one can only see the back. A puddle of water underneath the bench and her costume lying on the floor as well. Hope this is not too complicated to make, this is my first request ever


Black Widow tied spread eagle to a table while the robbers or villians think about what they will do to her


Black cat standing with her back toward us, naked, with tied up naked black widow and tied up naked mary jane kissing her butt cheeks as black cat winks


Emma Frost being walked with a leash and collar, like a dog.


Setting: Dark colored bedroom with the round bed. Rogue and Donna Troy, both topless, in lingerie and stockings standing in front of the bed with Rogue in the fore ground and Donna Troy standing behind her as in this image, please. https://www.deviantart.com/caiomarcus-art/art/Black-Canary-and-Catwoman-Commission-1-ink-686475320


How about another PG vs Aliens installment with an enhanced busted PG (due to milking). Naked, ball-gagged with nipple clamp chains running from her gag straps to her reddened nipples, and tit roped. Chair tied with knees up and legs frog tied. WW on her knees, stripped naked with legs frog tied and straddling a Symbian. She’s ring gagged, her wrists and neck locked into the seat of the chair with her mouth held close to PG’s vulnerable pussy as she is forced by the twisted aliens, one pushing her deeper between PG’s splayed thighs, to lick PG to orgasm. Other aliens could be molesting either prisoner as you wish. I used this pic for motivation: https://www.google.com/search?q=andysdames+%27millie+%26+abby%27+lesbian&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjZxZqOo4H0AhWLRc0KHYfZAXgQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=andysdames+%27millie+%26+abby%27+lesbian&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoFCCEQqwI6BAgeEApQuwlYrCpg3yxoAHAAeACAAZoBiAHICpIBAzguNZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=XiqFYdmeN4uLtQaHs4fABw&bih=725&biw=414&prmd=ivsxn#imgrc=rlXZKQ7l7BCUiM


Please do Sonya Blade giving naked Cammy a bare handed otk spanking. Have Cammy smiling like she's loving it and can't wait for more :). Be cool if you put a phone in Sonya's non spanking hand like she's taking pics of Cammy's a$$ while she's doing it. Any location you choose. Thank you so much


How about Carol Danvers being watched in the shower, ala this scene from Irredeemable Ant-Man #7: https://www.deviantart.com/bigdamnvillain/art/Ant-Man-Checking-Out-Ms-Marvel-533758603


Could you do a scene with Emma Frost, who has her hands tied behind her back, worshipping White Owl's feet encased in pantyhose.


Wonder women chloroform while surrounded by men the man chloroform touching breast and penis just below crotch while 1 man having footjob


Completely understandable. Sometimes I get a little too detailed with my requests. Any adaptation you find suitable will be perfect. I just humbly request that PG’s tits be even bigger than usual and that WW be forced into a position where she has no choice but to lick PG to orgasm.


that is perfectly fine, the puddle would have been water from the Shower nearby. Should have made it clear that she just came out of the shower ;)

Max Bodner

Sorry i'm late, could you make a render of black canary and black cat in a dungeon, nude except for office pantyhose (both of them pls), hogtied or suspended, crotchroped and panel gaged?


Could you do Quiet fully nude holding a chloroform cloth to Black Widow’s face with one hand, and then with the other hand doing 🤫


I'll do some changes to the requests next month so people don't think that I'm obligated to do them, lately they've been stressing me out instead of them being fun to me. I don't really like this idea, it's just too much going on.


That’s understandable. This work takes inspiration and it’s hard to be inspired with someone else’s idea. See if it can be adapted to something that you can get behind. I appreciate the reply and the creative workmanship it takes to fulfill these random requests.