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I'm talking to a writer who brought up the idea to make the game into one big storyline instead of there being separate chapters for the characters. If it was one big storyline there would be some rewriting and adding in scenes for it to all make sense.

That would be quite the change, so I'm asking you if it should be done. 

So should it be one big storyline, or just keep it as it is?



I like the ability to skip to my favorite parts.


I Like it either way.. but if you feel like rewriting and redoing stuff I support you :)


I'd rather not want to do it. I like it the way it is. I was just curious if people want it like that.


Your decision I already like the game just as it is too anyways :)

The Silver Socialist

Not all of these characters are supposed to exist and the same time and place. Some of these characters aren't even supposed to exist in the same universe.