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Not sure how to put this, but its very frustrating and demoralizing having people leave my Patreon page. I'm giving out so much content, working hard every day and then people leave which is basically a slap to my face. 

$3, $5 or $10 are basically nothing for the amount of content I put out every month. That is 1 or 2 packs of cigarettes or a pizza. I have made 48 renders this month, most of them in 4k which takes a lot of time and the month isn't even over yet. While some other content creators charge way more for crappy poser renders.

I'll look out for how this continues, but for the last couple of days I'm not really in a great mood because of that.

I don't want to make anyone feel guilty, I'm just very irritated by this. 



I can get its frustrating. I had to leave due to financial reasons. Got some cash again but not sure how long this will last. Though I'd like to support long term.


Yes I understand that. Some months you have to be more careful about the money. Just had to vent my frustration about this.


I don't know that it's a personal knock on you as opposed to the general attitude of "gimme free stuff" ... music, news, videos, it's a wonder to me that anyone creative is getting paid


Yes you are right. I just take it too personal I guess while there are probably some good reasons why people leave at some point. Yes, people want everything for free which is hurting the creators.


Can't say for the others, but I expected hardcore stuff :o (Maybe somewhere you wrote u are only doin "glamour" work, but that u can find in tons for free around the net). So no offense ofc... it's just an honest feedback.


I'm open to anything really and not just focused to glamour work. Hence why I made a poll a few days ago if people would like to see that and most people said yes. But thanks for the feedback, I'll can go as hardcore as you want really. I'm also always open for requests, just send me a message on here or on discord.


I'll keep with ya, It's enjoyable content and it is currently worth the $10 in my opinion. If you were to slow down or make less quality content, then maybe it would make sense to stop supporting, but it's just scummy when they pay, grab the content, then leave cancel the pledge. I'm putting out nearly $50 alone in may to support 4 different Patreons HA being one. Keep up the awesome work.

Dalek Supreme

I’d actually be wary of blaming Patreon’s if people leave. It’s not personal. Your renders are really good but I don’t know why you render in 4K most screens can’t tell the difference and in my experience people come for content not screen definition. I would focus more on plot and story in your comics. The characters go almost immediately naked and tied up. A bit of story would give people a reason to stay with it. Anyway that’s just my opinion. Stick with it though!


Thanks for this nice feedback :). I won't be slowing down. I'm at 3-5 renders a day at the moment for patreon and the game.

The Silver Socialist

I've followed a LOT of different artists and content creators on Patreon. out of all of them your page is a far better value than most of the other pages I've supported. You provide a lot of content for a really good price and you're always on time.


Let me drop a few words of encouragement here. Great renders, great scenarios, great value. All three are VERY much appreciated. People will come and go and try to rip you off at every turn. One of the downsides of the net. Flip em off and keep going. I've been here foe two months now and I'm very happy with your work. I'll try and post that sentiment more often. Thanks!


I am sorry, I am guilty of this. If the charge happened in the middle of the month it would be fine, I always resubscribe after the 1rst, just that week rent and all the other bills are due. Ill try to be more mindful about it in the future mate.


and it's gonna be the usual thing of can't please everyone.... i'm in the group that like the damsels losing their clothes asap, and if the meaning of "hard core" is more sexual situations, i'm interested instead of more "damsels in danger" scenes: put the heroines in a deathtrap they have to escape from


Enf is probably my favorite genre of them all. I don't do death scenes or gore. Like someone wanted to have a batgirl in these chainsaw predictiments and I don't do it, even not for commissions.


Agreeing with Mad Max more naked damsels in danger!

The Cad

As Mad Max said you can't please everyone. From my perspective and comparing to other Patreon's I support I would say it might help if you go 'harder' I don't mean guro I mean ... basically...bondage & Sex (girl on girl I presume) & humiliation. I also still believe you need to create more story narrative. I would much rather see a heroine slowly dismantled and then publically humiliated. Draw it out a bit. Also, protect your content from people joining for a day and downloading everthing...


Thanks for the feedback. The game will be a bit more drawn out with complete stories. I also plan to to make series more comic style with panels. How can I protect things from people downloading everything and then leaving?


I joined because your models are gorgeous and they look amazing bound and gagged. Maybe more bondage/kidnapping shots? And as much as I love WW and PG they dominate your uploads. Maybe throw in some single shots of other girls for variety in there as well. Love your work either way!


I'm working on a Donna Troy series atm. So I'll do a lot more of her and also do something with the other girls :)