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Just wanted to share another of Xenomurphy's LEGO rendering of SpaceCorps. As you can see, we now have a gorgeous LEGO Sam - and he's tinkered with MC's character a bit [I'm sure you all noticed the new, um... hair 😉].

Xenomurphy has offered to make a SpaceCorps dream sequence featuring his fantastic art 🤗 Naturally, this will take a while to appear [he has lots of new character and sets to build] - but will obviously be amazing. I'll keep you up to date with new developments as they come 😁




A dream sequence you say? My influence... >:P


100% - Xenomurphy saw how positively the pics went down here, and then read your suggestion 😀


This is really fun! It's kind of funny how the signature MC look is a distressed/surprised face and an erection, lol.