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In your Reveille missions, you'll be able to pick a new option - Sarge's Gym - and be put through your paces by one of the greatest Drill Sergeants in SpaceCorps. It's gonna be tough, and it's gonna be hard, but if you stay the course you can expect to gain a πŸ’ͺ🏻Strength point... and perhaps a few additional workout options πŸ˜‰



Twisty Ninja

The time for more Sarge has almost come! I'm up for whatever paces our sweet muscley goddess is going to put us through! Just hope she's still somewhat grateful for the alien situation. And that she doesn't have as big of a grudge against us for the Anna incident haha.


This is all a lot neater than I expected. I though Sarge would be more about lifting anvils in some derelict storeroom. But I guess she takes working out very seriously.


The grudges are gone... but now she's taking a special interest in our career development. Which is almost as dangerous πŸ˜‚


The door in the background leads to a creepier derelict storeroom 😁

Twisty Ninja

I mean, if she wants to end up locking the MC in a room like she did Anna, then I'm all for it! Life ain't worth living without the potential danger of being crushed between thicc thighs! xP