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In the last teaser, we ran a quiz to determine which Colepath would be featured in the next teaser. Snowish won, and plumped for Rival.

Since this was the lowest voted of all the options [with just 4 votes out of 451!] the rival route contains a mere 6 unique images. It's actually a fairly long sequence, tho, since it counter-intuitively uses rather a lot of the same images as Friend [albeit with very different narrative and dialogue!] Basically, both routes are 2-sides of a straight group-sex jock fantasy with optional homoerotic undertones πŸ‰

Anyway - I reckon we've only got time for 1 more teaser quiz before the update, so I'm going to be cruel and make it a little trickier than usual 😜. What single-word insult Cole does most commonly directs towards MC?*

*The first person to answer can pick the next teaser they want to see. Pick from any of the other Cole Paths in the poll list. Friend, Rival, Lover and Sub have already been teased.






It is! Hehe - looks like back-to-back victories, Snowish πŸ₯‡πŸ₯‡ What would you like to see as the next and final teaser?


Dominant. It's only right that poll winner gets featured. Another question: does"homoerotic" imply that the route will eventually allow for M/M content between the two even though choosing it greys out Cole in the virtual stable? Because the two having "no-homo"-hijinks sounds very appealing.


No - there's no m/m planned on the rival route. In an ideal world there would be, but there are too many Cole options already XD