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Apologies for the long delay since my last post - between making the update and trying to paint my bedroom, it's been quite a hectic week! πŸ₯΅

Something struck me while making the update - in almost 4 years of making SpaceCorps, no one has died. Well - apart from the various ways MC cops it in the bad endings πŸ˜‚

I rather like stories that are bold enough to kill off main characters - Game of Thrones is the Ur example of that, often chopping off someone's head before their story arc is completed [Oberyn Martell was my favourite - set up a heroic character with their own hopes and dreams and arc, and then just slaughter them in an arena 😲]. The Walking Dead did it quite well too, even killing off their single most likeable character with a spiky bat [albeit after giving him a rather unbelievable reprieve in the previous season]. A special note also has to go out to the incredible James Ellroy, who killed his main POV detective halfway through a book. Big Cojones, that Ellroy πŸ˜‚

Of course, a comedy erotic game works under different rules - and tragic deaths would be rather out of place. In the original plan, Sam was scheduled to die at the hands of the Shifter in the Season 1 Finale [with the subsequently repurposed Goodbye Yellow Brick Road as a bittersweet soundtrack to MC's grief]. In the end, I didn't have the heart for it - and was also pretty sure that a legion of outraged Sam fans would form a posse and hunt me down 😬

But in the coming update, someone will actually die...





Personally, I don't think you need to kill anybody off... certainly not a major character. If you feel you HAVE to kill of a good character, I think the most expendable would be Rick and/or his GF.


Not Cole I hope..............that would be so much wasted potential.