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There are going to be 2 guest dev Holodeck Missions in the coming update - an m/m one [🐺BBN's second] and an f/m one by Cenc - creator of 💭Dreams of Reality.

Both are much more 'game-like' than a lot of SpaceCorps content - with special content rewards for success and failure that mean they are worth multiple replays for all the routes. Both devs went above and beyond with this - and I really think you'll appreciate the effort these fantastic developers put into their levels! 😍

I won't give too many spoilers, but in Cenc's mission MC will be training to become an erotic dancer... ably assisted by the 2 gorgeous girls in the picture above. You'll be able to pick up stats in 💪🏻Strength, and for 💋Comfort Section, and get a pretty natty new outfit for your [very public] performance 😂




I really wanna see a cross with Manilla Shaw and Anna from Anna Exciting Affection. Those are my two ol girls.


This sounds really cool.