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It's a-comin'! 😱

I've just completed the final main image of the update, and just have a little dialogue to finish up this evening. After that, the update enters Testing Phase πŸ˜›

I'm now confident that this means the update can go to Early Release on August 23rd. It clocks in at around 600 images, with 1 large Guest Dev mission from Summer Vacation; 5 possible training missions [three of them Brig replays]; a bunch of Shifter storyline content; substantial dream sequences with Fatima or Sam; and a return to Pandemonium [where you can play any missions you missed last time round]. Be aware that I dropped the planned Anna and Cole VirtualBeach missions due to scheduling - they'll still be made later, though πŸ˜€




awwww sorry to hear that Cole mission got delayed, but I'm sure he will be a good little femboi and wait until I am ready for him. Sam is a sweetheart so I still have something awesome to look forward.