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The Brig sequences were among my favourite updates in Season 1 - and I hope it's not arrogant to say that going Wildman on Krathi, the 3 minute A-ha music video with Luke & Sam, and the cinematic Chronicles of Rydick are some of the best work I've done so far.

The only problem is that you could only choose 1 of the 3 potential cell-mates for your playthrough... I've long wanted to rectify that, and now you'll be able to choose them all! 😀 The missions allow you to do that - being sent into the cells to gather intelligence for Invigilator Munipanni up to 3 times [once per mission slot]. If you do inform on your cell-mates, you can expect some big rewards... EQ points, a valuable SecuriCorps XP point, and some more... um... practical rewards from Ms Munipanni herself.

This isn't just replay, of course - I've added 116 new images to the sequence as well [mainly the new Meera sex scene]. I should also add that you'll be able to gain the SecuriCorps XP whatever your sexuality.




heh, hate to be the voice of dissent but I really wouldnt want to go back and try the other two cell mates. They really creeped me out in the you dont wana go to prison because they will throw you in a jail cell with.... sense. Cool that its an option, but i dont wana do that to poor MC.


Will the sexuality of MC affect how you can do missions and replays? As i have gone all in on Sam and made the MC gay


Hehe - don’t worry, you’ll be able to dismiss the mission chain if you don’t want to see it.


It will - choosing gay will mean you don’t even see most of the straight missions in game. In the Brig, you’ll simply see that options to pursue Krathi are blanked out [you’ll still have to turn Meera down manually, because that choice is storyline]. For Straight players, it’s the same but reversed :)