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It is now Day 9 without broadband, and it will be at least 2 more days before it will be restored. My spirits are a little low 😔 

Engineers from the appalling, Soviet-like company Openreach arrived on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. At one point there were 3 vans and perhaps 8 men.

Each time, they blocked the roads with barriers and temporary traffic lights; and began digging an ever larger, entirely superfluous, hole.

Each time, they then announced some crucial piece of equipment, or some vital engineer, had not turned up, and that the box could not be reconnected. They then filled in their hole, carefully packed up their tools and barriers, and left. Having achieved nothing.

They will not be coming back this weekend, as they 'don't work weekends'. Even though they have a legal monopoly and responsibility for all broadband infrastructure in the UK. The last time I called, the call centre claimed to have no knowledge of the issue at all.

This is astounding. I had no idea this could happen - short of natural disaster or war. This is supposed to be a developed country, and is where significant amounts of mass communications technology was invented. Yet monopoly, incompetence and laziness mean a single broadband substation cannot be rewired within 11 days, leaving 2000 people disconnected from the modern world. I have never hated a company, or its useless employees, more.

Before I get too moany, however, I shall sign off.

🖖 Ranlilabz 




You're welcome over. Gigabit line here...


Unfortunately that's just life away from the cities. You should try being on the Scottish isles, even worse up here.


They are seagull lackeys 🐦🐦🐦


Developed Nation just means they're fucking you intentionally, trust me I live in Australia, our government and companies have raised it to an art form, to the point we're bordering on being developing or maybe even underdeveloped, hell India has better internet than we do.


In the usa Kansas to be precise out in the country the power goes out cause of a thunderstorm you call them by cellphone they are out there within an hour or two and fixed!


Definitely a failure. MAYBE you'll get lucky and they'll actually replace/improve the existing infrastructure and you'll end up with a bit better internet after though? Probably not... I think most of the blame for this should be placed squarely on the idiot that crashed into the box in the first place though. It IS primarily their fault this is an issue.


Even in Ukraine during the war the situation is better))


First of all, you doing alright? Need anything? Don’t fret too much about getting the game out, we all love it, but it is after all a game. Second, if you named the town you’re in (or if other UK folks felt comfortable sharing their town) maybe we could find someone kinda close, 30 min or so who could pick up you and a hard drive and give you a ride to the land of internet? Only trying to offer solutions/help. :)


I'd offer them to stay on my couch for a while, but I live in America, sadly :(


I myself work in customer support for a telecommunication and broadband company. Or, that is to say, I work for the company that the telecominications company has outsourced customer support to. I know only too well the frustrations that arise when something like this happens. In this day and age we see that internet infrastructure is becoming increasingly vital and it is dissapointing when the big companies don't have any redundancy sollutions available (additional substations/broadcast towers for example) for inevitable times of equipment failure. I empathize completely. Daily I deal with callers who have to deal with lost connection and connectivity issues due to crap like this. The sad truth is that there rarely is any communication between repair people and customer support in individual cases like this. As such the best customer support can provide in relation to repairtime is usually a guesstimate, and many provide an optimistic one at that as they don't want to be yelled at. That is at least my experiance on the subject. This may be cold comfort, but you are entitled to contact customer support for compensation following extended periods without coverage. Hope the issue is resolved quickly. Best regards from Norway!


in some parts of the cities too... London is surprisingly patchy in terms of broadband coverage


I do live in the UK and would gladly offer you access to my broadband but I don't think you're anywhere near East Lothian :( However, I do have to agree with the top post, hopefully someone is nearby and can help you out for any other internet needs ^_^


Fellow Australian, concurs. At some point in the next decade, assuming the war continues, we might surpass Ukraine.

Adán García

I think an USB and a travel to nearly town could be useful. But that´s just me, I live in a 3rd world country and that is my solution when I lost connection and need to upload something


Join Virgin! Far more reliable.