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A still from the v2.2.1 Music Video

The update's coming along really well... but not quite well enough to meet the end-of-May deadline for Early Release 😒 This is very annoying - some personal stuff, and some unplanned administrative stuff related to moving house, have cost me quite a few days of development time. Stupid IRL 😠

I also ended up massively expanding a few of the scenes. The 3 Daemon sex scenes have inflated from a planned 50 images each to around 85 images each 😈 The Music video has also gotten a lot fancier than intended, which means that thousands of extra images have been required 🎢 It's waaay better, but it adds time!

To make sure that it's the best update it can be, I've decided to push Early Release back to June 7th. Apologies for the delay, and here's hoping my plan to achieve monthly updates won't be derailed again! πŸ˜€




We love you, Ranli! The work you're doing is fantastic! A little delay is fine, and totally worth it.


Seagull is sad 😒🐦


is that Ganymede over there? I don't recognise it... πŸ” (beautiful image, regardless! πŸ˜‚)

Emillio Mata

Ayyye it'll release on my birthday!


The Orville season three starts next week and then the next SpaceCorps XXX update the week after, I can live with that :D


Thanks! 😁 Ganymede's just out of shot on the right [although it's actually a repurposed Mercury, lol]


Monthly updates? Only if St.Alaska will intervene LOL


πŸ˜€ I still haven't seen the Orville... I really probably should πŸ˜‚


I'm hoping to resurrect the patch idea, so missions can just be added in πŸ˜ƒ [If St Sarah wills it!]


My faith is considerably weakened since a long time. But the hope is the last to die... πŸ˜‚

Jeremy Charles

It's cause of them there shipshapers I've dun herd abot. There taking our men, our women, our jobs and our time! Next they'll be wantin to have our sex scenes!