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Rather a long time ago, I discussed some of my plans for missions [and optimistically thought they were close to beginning 😂]. You can find more details of that here and here

Since they actually are going to begin soon, I thought I'd show you some of my plans for the tasks during Reveille [morning]. This is the Tamagotchi stuff of keeping MC alive, and will generally be limited to Breakfast, Shower, both, or neither [the Sit Tight option].

Although not training missions, they'll still give you opportunities to earn Stats, unlock new characters, and get your rocks off. A decent amount of 💘 PLI content is scheduled for this part of the day. At the risk of giving spoilers, you should make sure you play the first batch if you want to restore some of MC's lost IQ 💡

PS: It's also the first place you'll be seeing Sam and Fatima's reward for winning the Favourite Character polls 😜




Maybe those transparent backgrounds could be less.. transparent?) Just to make the texts more readable.


Looking forward to it!


Hopefully we will unlock the ability to have the PLI breakfast. We might get a decent meal of Sam, but Cole would be barely a snack


That seems a little unfair - Cole’s got some hot cakes, even if his sausage and eggs aren’t much to write home about! … I feel I may have tortured this pun a bit too far to make it work…


Does "both" mean that you can play both in the same shift/on the same day? As I understood the system before, I assumed that we would be one choosing one mission for one timespan. But this seems to imply that we can play the entire set of missions offered?


In 1st and 2nd Watch [morning and afternoon], you can only accept 1 mission. Reveille is a bit different, and will let you choose to shower *and* breakfast. [but other future Reveille choices may be exclusive].