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Whoever wins, they're all heroes ๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™€๏ธ

And so we come to the Grand Finale, the poll which will decide your Favourite Characters of Season One. Many popular contenders have already fallen by the wayside... and only the strongest remain.

Your task is now to select the male and female winners. They'll be prioritised for Season 2 content - and get some rather saucy victory images with the runner ups and MC. As usual, you may vote for as many characters as you like. Now...




Oh no Sam is falling behind from #1 D:


I wonder what happens if Sam and Felix tie


plz do both they are such good characters, and dan too


Felix est le plus beau, il a les meilleurs proportions et un incroyable pรฉnis.


This has to be the closest vote so far... come on Sam you can beat the hot cowboy!


whoever wins between Sam or Felix we need a bonus memory of them topping the loser


Sam is battling Felix, Meera is battling Krathi, and Fatima is fighting for her life against the bird haha ๐Ÿ˜„ Dan is on his own though


His lead over Fatima [and the bird, lol] has dropped down quite a lot though. I'm surprised - from previous comments I thought he'd be in a three-way race with Felix and Sam. But polls often confound!


I think it's safe to say that all 6 of these characters are very popular, but when it comes down to it, we all have to be very picky for our one true winners... I'm surprised about Dan too though, I guess Felix really won people over in that update, and rightfully so! It was very well done and surprisingly emotional on his part haha


If this was a guys vs. girls contest... The guys schooled the girls.


Since the cute constable and Cole haven't made the cut here I am all in for Cousin Felix.

Joshua Vasquez

Could do a threesome with all three guys with Felix in the middle, just a thought ๐Ÿ˜


come on team sam. vote for more "sam sam" content =)


This has been the most suspenseful election of my life lol I've literally checked in like 20 times a day we need a sam victory.

Aiden Woodstein

I'm team polyamory so I'm voting for multiple lol.