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Image: MC tracks a wolf, created by BBN

This is a look ahead - past the Season Finale and into the missions in Phase 2. Some of you will already be aware that Bound By Night 🦇 has been doing a couple of Holodeck Training levels for SpaceCorps - all set in his fantastic urban fantasy world of vampires and werewolves.

This is the second mission BBN's made - and it's so fantastic I wish I could just publish it all for you now 😂 Sadly that'll have to wait for later this year - aside from this great image of a tooled up MC on a hunt. I think we can all agree that he rocks his training fatigues!

For more info on Holodeck training missions, see this post from November. You can see more of Bound By Night's work here: Bound By Night - and I highly recommended to those who enjoy m/m content, and who like erotic horror and urban fantasy.
