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G'day, Crew! 😀

It's time for the first v0.3.8 teaser - and the not-so-secret secret reveal of it's main m/m love interest, Chad Chadsworthy III!

Poor, loveable Chad... one of the few Humans onboard the Mercury who makes MC look smart. Since he proved so popular in the polls, he's not only one of the Season Finale's stars... he's a potential 💝PLI!

I'm already well into Chad's scene [about 250 pics in, with at least 50 to go!] and then I'll be moving on to the main f/m love interest, [REDACTED]...




My only regret for this post is that I can't click the heart multiple times... Well I guess I can, but that just unclicks and then clicks it again. Consider this a +5 heart post Ranli! Finally! You may always manage to lose your pants Chad, but you'll never lose our affection!


More! I can still take more Chad!