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Some of you already know that I've been working on a few Crossovers and Collaborations since June... and the first of them is coming to Patreon this week.

๐Ÿ˜ I do love it when a plan works out!

For the next 5 days you'll be seeing one post a day from my collaboration with Luriel - developer of Medieval Times - which match my MC [Jimmi] against his MC [Bennett]. That will include 38 rather saucy images, and 2 fantastic hardcore videos made by Luriel.

I'm really excited about this Crossover - it looks fantastic, and it's been really fun to work with another creator. Some of you may know Luriel already - he's a great guy and a brilliant artist/animator. He also did virtually all the work on this ๐Ÿ˜‚ If you want to see more of his stuff, check out:

Luriel is creating Adult Graphic Novel | Patreon

NB This Crossover is entirely m/m content - but f/m fans shouldn't feel left out! I have another f/m focused Collaboration close to completion [more details mid-month].




You "love it when a plan works out"? It's not like you to avoid the concept of coming, together ๐Ÿ˜‚


These are legitimately my 2 favorite adult games. This is a kinky crossover made in heaven! BTW Space Corps is just fantastic and I've had so much fun with it. I'm a (mostly) gay man but have had a great time exploring my bisexuality (along with all the kinks I could think of)! Keep up the options, they're appreciated!


Ah yes this must still be first day Jimmi as any reasonable person wouldn't run in a random portal XD


ooh that's a very random crossover but I'm all for it! ๐Ÿ˜† and thanks for specifying there'll be a m/f crossover in the works ๐Ÿ˜ Technical question, will there be any tier limit?


๐Ÿ˜ Thanks, Spazgadget! Yes - it turned out we'd both been thinking about a cross-promo for a while [we've been patrons of one another for *ages*!] So when it was raised we got straight to work! ๐Ÿ˜€


Even clever Jimmi will headlong into mysterious portals. He's Ganymedian ๐Ÿค 


I think we've done it quite nicely ๐Ÿ˜ [well, insofar as anything SpaceCorps related makes any sense ๐Ÿ˜‚] There will be Tiers, yes - clothed pics are Public, softcore nude are Cadet, hardcore nude are Ensign and the 2 videos are Sergeant.

Matthew Prim

oooh this loooks good!


Hey Matthew! Long time no speak, so I hope all is well ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I think youโ€™ll enjoy the crossover - itโ€™s time for Jimmy to get medieval!

Ryan Fox

FREAKIN KNEW IT!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Looks great so far Ranli and Luriel. Both MCs look terrific in their own universes, I have no idea what the consequences will be of combining so much hotness in the same universe, I fear it may break something. But it will be worth it.


Splendid idea, thanks a lot! :-)


I've been very keen on collaborations and crossovers for a while now [and you know I've also been planning to get some extra help on the game!] That's starting to actually materialise, and working with Luriel was a great experience! ๐Ÿ˜


Oh, you are intrigued by this news. It is very curious to see the very results of these collaborations!

Matthew Prim

Been real busy with work and life, but im here and still enjoying your work!!