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It's Out! πŸ€—

Phew - a couple of days late, but I think the extra time really helped me improve the update. I'm very positive about this one... it's got a little bit for everybody, and hopefully a whole lot for everybody! But will Cole become your Friend, your Rival or your Lover?

You decide!


- 6/8 New Cole Paths - design your relationship!

- m/f, m/m or mixed routes!

- New feature to name saves [provided by gojira667]

- New kinks: topper, bottom, subby, cuck & additional m/m version of an-al

- New character - Jared Cole Sr

- Lowered relationship threshold for talking to Anna

Note: the remaining 2 Paths - Dom and Bully - will be available in v0.3.6b in around a week. The update will be kept Lieutenant+ only until then.


SpaceCorps v0.3.6a For Windows [Mega]

SpaceCorps v.0.3.6a For Windows [Google] 

SpaceCorps v.0.3.6a For Mac [Mega] 

An Android version  will become available following Public Release

I'm looking forward to hearing what you think, and how you feel I managed the multiple paths. Let me know in the comments below or over on Discord! Lol - and make sure to report any bugs!

😘 RanliLabz

EDIT: MAC version added 02/05
EDIT: added new PC Mega link 03/05

If you've had problems accessing the Cole or Anna scenes, please save the file attached below to:

PC: SpaceCorps XXX - v0.3.6a\game\scripts.
MAC: SpaceCorpsXXX(v0.3.6a).app\Contents\Resources\autorun\game\scripts

It will ask if you want to replace the existing file - click Yes!




I loved this update! I can't even say which cadet I prefer, I would just chose everyone as Love Interests, hahaha. Cole has a great backstory and am I eager to see more. The mistery involving Bailey is really good, makes me crave for more. The sex scenes were all really really good. I love the Lover route - so I picked the right one for the teaser I won, 😁. I guess it is all because verse is the best anyway. And the soundtrack is the cherry on top as always!


Cheers LT! πŸ₯° Glad I've piqued your interest with the Bailey mystery... at some point it will be an update in its own right! Another Lover, lol - that seems to be the most popular right now!

Ryan Fox

By the way Ranli, that shot of Cole in front of the Terran battle-standard fueled with patriotic zeal πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°