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The penultimate sleep post, and Anna is curled up nicely... though I don’t think she‘s noticed quite how exposed she is 😋

I was pretty exhausted last night... explaining today’s late post. We had another big day of walking (though - praise be! -I seem to have recovered some of my fitness after a few days of healthy exercise 🏋️) This time we drove out to Tentsmuir Forest - a big old national park a little further north. I love walking through the woods - enveloped in bowers of greenery; the fresh, heady scents of ferns and gorse and campfires; the crunch of twigs and bark underfoot. Well... I love walking through the woods with people - on your own it can be a bit unnerving! 🐅

I’ll post some pics of it when I’m back home and able to upload them properly... Woods are always interesting, and we found both a strange little den of woven branches and a massive sept mushroom to go in the cooking pot. 🍄 If my Patreon feed suddenly goes dark, it’ll be because our Polish companion’s forestry skills have killed us all... or that I’m accidentally tripping balls in the middle of the woods 🧚‍♀️😂🧚‍♂️

One of the lovely things about Tentsmuir is that it’s on the coast - so you emerge from the thick treeline to find yourself on the dunes, the sea glinting and rolling less than 100m away! It’s such a wonderful, liminal transition - almost dreamlike in the way you find yourself transported between worlds. The beach is also a jolly nice place to have a picnic 🥪

Anyhoo... check in for the next and last sleep pic tomorrow (and the poll I’m doing when I get back home on Saturday). Best wishes from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 

RanliLabz 🧘🏼




Glad you're enjoying yourself. If you do go on a fungi induced trip, stay away from the pink dragon :P Also, can't wait to see the pictures. Tentsmuir is a wee gem of a place


Yesss, I got them all right!! :P Sam at the end like I thought, though I did go back and forth about it. Excited to see best boy tomorrow! Anna doesn't look too traumatized, which is good lol


🐉 Still alive and sober half an hour after eating 😁 shortly about to start making Jason’s Yankee bars before I get too drunk 🍷


Lol, 6 for 6! 🥇Anna’s very neat and tucked away, so although she is still a bit she’ll shocked, she does it with decorum 👸🏼


Ahh, Tentsmuir. Nice, lad!

Sentimental Penguin

Again, yeah, this is what I imagined how Anna sleeps. All the freakiness is secret.


By heritage. Born and raised in the States, my family is from (and I've still relatives in) Sterlingshire by Loch Lomond. We're a sept of Buchannon. I've been to Tentsmuir whilst visiting reatives. "Saor Alba gu Brath"!


I’m heritage too (well, half) - but raised in England. Hic Armis Bruti Scoti Stant Hic Cruce Tuti!