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Whoa! It's been a looong time since we've had a character poll here!

Since we've now met all named characters appearing in Phase 1, it's time to vote on the final batch. This will be the last of the group-stage character polls - and the winners will enter the quarter-finals to start finding out the most popular SpaceCorps character. πŸ•ΊπŸ»

Vote for as many of the options as you like - we don't mind a bit of ballot-stuffing down at the SpaceCorps Electoral Commission πŸ˜‚ To see previous polls (most are still open) you can click the 'Poll' button in the featured tabs or type poll into the search posts button. πŸ˜€

Let the votes begin! πŸ‡πŸ»






M.A.X ❀❀❀

Ryan Fox

I'd say Munipanni should be disqualified and given a different category as she seems to be missing some equipment...but well...so is MAX (for now). Looks like it's down to ballot stuffing and cemetery voter surveys.


More Rydick !


Rydick and Counsellor Fox!


Always love polls, especially character ones! It's interesting to see what other players think. So far it seems like Munnipanni is benefiting from being the only woman in the poll, a reversal from the poll which Felix won, though he wasn't the only male there, Pastor Chang was an option too. Can't wait for the next set of polls to see who will reign supreme!


Personally Rydick followed by Max though counsellor fox is also cool xD

Nathanael Dugourd

Fox and his awesome tail and Rydick ;)


I have the feeling that Munipanni is focusing all the straight vote whereas the gays are split among Rydick and Fox :D

Ryan Fox

There seems to be a fair bit of that yeah. Although the three guys are tough to choose from, people seem to like the counselor's tail a lot but he also is currently more powerful than MC at mind witchcraft, Rydick represents an interesting kink and is clearly as capable as Major Fox albeit in a very different way and knows potentially as much but different information that could help MC (he's also h.u.n.g.), MAX is probably one of the more adorable characters we've had in the game, so each of the three guys is pretty different from each other which is also splitting the vote

Jeremy Charles

Max and Rydick for me, I don't like fox's face or personality. His face was too squashed for me, I would have preferred a more bestial form.


Every vote for MAX makes it more likely he'll get a dick! (πŸ˜‚ Disclaimer: he's getting one anyway)


God - I just remembered Hanging Chads πŸ˜‚ I was a child in a different country, but for a month all everyone talked about were hanging-bloody-chads in Florida 🐊


Interestingly varied faves, Major! Furries *and* Vin Dies... I mean, uh... Rydick? You're as eclectic in your tastes as me! 😁


True, lol - the quarter-finals will be more gender-balanced to avoid skews (although the next one will include a futa πŸ‘Ώ) I'd hoped Chang might get more votes after the minigame!


All the guys then πŸ˜‚ You're not alone - most m/m players have voted for all three, and most bi-players have gone with all 4!


Love that tail. I wonder if there's a way it could be used, somehow? 🦊


Yup - can confirm M.A.X. is adorable enough he's picking up some pure f/m votes on the side. Prob helps that he's smooth as an English butler downstairs... some sort of reverse-trap effect? Have I created a weird new category of porn? 'Backtrap'β„’? 🀣


The problems I had with Fox's muzzle! (any longer and blowjobs would have been impossible). Don't worry, though - I have some more classic Lycans planned whose muzzle's work properly πŸ˜‰They'll be on Fox's storyline, so be aware that rejecting him in game might reject other anthros 😜


Haha, I thought Fox's face was fine, its Rydicks, not quite closed not quite open eyes weirded me out a little #justfocusonthedick


Where do I vote for Rik Drex? ;)


I am so behind as far as Phase 1, I don't know M.A.X or Councillor Fox, but there is nothing I like about Rydick, except his eyes, his dick is too big, not a fan off tattoos and his demeanor is a little too criminal. Then again I don't have to like every character to love the game.


Hey Goobly - all the way back in June 2019! πŸ˜‚ https://www.patreon.com/posts/terran-character-28611631 (poll still open)


Thanks Misumu! Yeah - so many different body types and characters in SpaceCorps that you'd have to be as weird as me to like them all πŸ˜‚ At some point I'll have to do a poll about the number of characters enabled in your virtual stable - to give me an idea of how many the average patron actually plays!


PS: MAX and Fox were added in right at the start of the remastered game [not at the end like usual]. Pretty good scenes, imo - so I'd recommend a play!


will the polls to determine the most popular character be like this one where males and females are mixed? I feel like seperating the two would make more sense in a way so it's a good representation for both sides of the spectrum XD


They'll be mixed - 2 females and 2 males per poll (e.g. top female and males daemons versus top female and male volchak). Top male and female then go onto the quarter finals (currently Meera and Rydick). Only in the post-final Champion of Champions will there be only 1 male and 1 female to choose from (but that's quite a few rounds away!) This way, m/m, f/m and bi can all vote in the same poll πŸ˜‰


Oh I was talking about "sub"commander Rik Drex. The hot guy from Mission To Terrex.


Lol XD - forgetting my own characters! Drex and the other minigame characters wont be in this poll - although he will be in the game in the future (beyond his short current appearance)

Pierre Storm

Aaw no, looks like Fox is falling behind. Really hoping Max picks up - he’s such a twink!!


You know, I never realized that M.A.X. is wearing boots! Or at least the bottom half of his legs have been molded to look like boots. In the game I think all the scenes with him are pretty much from the thighs up, so I just never knew.


I wonder if he even is into guys he seemed to be interested in women if I remember correctly xD maybe MC is a special case xD


Fox def falling behind - but currently just 3 votes between the other contestants, so it’s still all to play for!


Lol - yes, moulded legs (you can see them in a few shots in-game, but not many). SpaceCorps syntho-psychologists found that patients didn’t like being able to see their medibot’s toes... in the words of Study Leader Professor Rita Lynn β€œit creeped them the fuck out”.


Tasteless patients... clearly they don't appreciate the wonder of toes! :P


PS: get your votes in if you haven't already! We'll be moving to the next round next week πŸ˜‰


btw is there a specific reason why rydicks pubes are green? xD


πŸ˜‚ not really - just amused me to think that Rydick dyes his pubes. Gets that pinky vibe, too!

Ryan Fox

Aw so Max just couldn’t stick the landing 😒


Wew! Rydick seems to have inched ahead... maybe decisively! Munipanni has fallen a lot further back than her opening lead and consistent neck-and-neck tie suggested... Fox still in a stronger position than I'd even hoped for given his unusual appearance 😁