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Since Raz & Mrs Mulligan haven't appeared on Patreon for a while, I figured I'd share the remastered fantasy sequence from Decontamination. The homesteads around Branson's Dome are really coming to life!




I've been playing the remastered game from the beginning, and I love it! (Looking forward t the HD close-up of dicks in the Basic Training intro, I have to say, when that section's re-done!) Also wanted to thank you sincerely for having the 'male doctor' option, which (almost) seamlessly flows through in future dialogue. Still kind of wish there was the option to choose your own sexuality at the beginning of the game, but I'm working on him! I don't know if it's the paths I'm choosing, but there are scenes I haven't seen before, and others that are truncated from what I remember. Is this part of the remaster, where there's both re-editing and fleshing out, or is this due to steering down a gay path from the get-go? (Either way, it's greatly boosted the replayability.)


Thanks Phreddy! πŸ˜€ You're very welcome. There are a few extra bits sprinkled here and there (mainly the fantasies) but the new scenes you're finding were already there... I've just introduced a touch of extra channelling to make the m/m path more cohesive.


Aww man I was really thinking somebody would force him into comfort section I know I would ;)