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It's out! ๐Ÿ˜

Right - I'm incredibly eager to hear what you think of this... not just the remastered images and the new paths, but also how you find the new personnel files. ๐Ÿ˜€ Let me know in the comments below, or click the like button on the post! โค

Remember - the new content appears at the beginning of the game, and this is only part 1 of the Remaster (I still have the Decon and second Corridor scene to go!) For anyone who ends up playing through to the end, It would be helpful to know if the changes leave any glitchy dialogue... I think I caught it all, but with such a large project the testing proved a challenge! ๐Ÿ˜“


SpaceCorpsv0.3.2a For Windows (Mega)

SpaceCorpsv0.3.2a For PC (Google Drive)

SpaceCorpsv0.3.2a For Mac (Mega)

SpaceCorpsv0.3.2a For Android (Mega)


EDIT: 13/06/20 - PC Google Drive version and Mega Mac version have been uploaded ๐Ÿ˜€

EDIT: 17/06/20 - Update opened for All-Patrons

EDIT: 19/06/20 - Update opened for Public




Awesome work! The hype is big for this one. One question, though: the personnel files with scene replay allows unlocking all scenes, even for multiple routes? We can unlock one and then another and replay both from personnel files?

Ryan Fox

So should this be oneโ€™s canon play through?


M.A.X. is officially my favorite. Oh St. Sarah he's so fucking cute!


I'm curious, will we be able to chose the career path later down the line or is it set as to what the MC will be doing? Just a question I thought of asking even though that maybe be a bit further in the development.


Thanks LT! :D The scene replay only unlocks the ending that you played (itโ€™s kind of a memory aide) - although youโ€™ll often have the opportunity to see a few variations ;P


Yes! Thatโ€™s what a lot of the next Phase in the game will be about as you gain stats to qualify for your desired Branch. It might involve a bit of searching through Patreon but I have some posts outlining my plans for picking branches (esp see the one on the Progress screen) - and will be posting up more details closer to the release of Phase 2 :D


Woo, and indeed Hoo. My Saturday is planned out :)


Mac version added! Google version uploading now ๐Ÿ˜Š

Nathanael Dugourd

I like the new personnel files, and the terminator easter egg <3 and the fox <3 <3 <3 wouaw his tail is amazing oh my !!! i want more :p

Ryan Fox

Wow, fantastic๐Ÿคฉ who knew Medicorps had such highly capable operatives? Albeit quick to dismiss any and all cadets for 'The Project' due to a lack of acceptable quality...or was it? Though it was under rather dubious circumstances at best...Rick was kinda hot ๐Ÿ˜… And MAX...way to really deliver a harsh blow there Ranli, toaster with nipples but no soul...I was like...Aw, it's okay Max we'll figure something out for you later in the game, take heart fair lad of chrome we shall complete you...and figure out a few attachments while we're at it, because you're coming up a bit short ๐Ÿ˜‰ Great stuff...only oddity I saw was in the Virtual Stable, for every character it said I think your opinion and her opinion or something to that effect (it was in a box in the middle of each clickable character for the first four). I realize Max is currently without a gender though he appears to be in possession of both a rather masculine build and visage, however it was more than clear that our rather handsome ship's counselor (those claws were awesome too! AND THE TAIL!!!) ahem our ship's counselor was quite clearly a male ๐Ÿ˜‚ Anyways, Fox and Max were great! Saying get the f-out to Nurse Goodyear was sublime...as was MC's meta-knowledge that machines such as XP-300 looked remarkably similar to droids widely known to came from the future to hunt down moderately to reasonably to very attractive teens and young women and kill them.


I played through the new scenes, they were even better than I expected! M.A.X. is cuter than I thought he would be, and the Counselor Fox scene was so hot, I wasn't expecting that other character to be involved! Delightfully horny stuff! I also played through the remastered m/f scenes and they look so good! Your hard work has paid off! I liked the extra dialogue as well! I didn't notice any bugs other than the one patron Ryan Fox mentioned about the Stable. Both M.A.X and Fox have their profiles mention "her" attitude rather than his.


Thanks LT! ๐Ÿ˜€ Hehe - glad you enjoyed the furry - you'll be pleased to hear he can be your guidance counsellor during the stat building Phase ๐Ÿ˜‰


Lol - I've never missed the chance for a referential joke yet ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thanks for catching the PF error... I'll fix that up!


Many thanks Cap! ๐Ÿ˜ Glad to hear you didn't see any glitches playing both routes... it got a bit brain addling at some points of the editing and I worried things might be missed!


I think I interpret too much into it but with the new personnel files I just noticed that the two guys (if M.A.X counts as one) also have the you have gotten them pregnant text in the sexual history. Now I guess it's just to keep the list the same for both genders but my first thought was just is MC that good at doing the deed that even males can't escape him? XD


๐Ÿ˜‚ He has a powerful seed. It was intentional - and part of keeping my options open! You'd be surprised how many preg-male requests I get

Ryan Fox

That...is...an interesting option. I suppose Iโ€™m not surprised about the requests, just not sure how the mechanics would work if itโ€™s Terran on Terran m/m which would lead to m-preg...but they say science is amazing ๐Ÿ˜‰


After the second house break-in/burglary in week, I really need something like this. Thanks!


Damn Phreddy! Sorry to hear about your woes... that really sucks and I hope that the update can help cheer you up a bit!

Raven Leaf

Good deal, I've tried the game for free, liked it, became a patreon, but then before I used my patreon password junk, I waited for this, so I hope this will make playing through it all and going through it again with my password as enjoyable as I think its gonna be, I seriously waited for this <3


Where is the PC google drive link @.@


My bad! Just typed the name wrong XD - refresh your page and youโ€™ll see ;P


Well I hope it will be skippable, mpreg is a turn-off for me. Also in the new personnel files it always reads "her attitude" even for the male characters, max and fox. Can't wait to see Cole and Sam's files in the new update.

Raven Leaf

Glitchy dialog: when I finished med exam, it does the "Naked, hard, being jerked off...by a stranger! drenched in my own jizz" (I did only this scene) he says "How could she!? and then it repeats back to "the alien shurgs...etc. etc. uploading is standard procedure" then it talks about how you whacked yourself off (I didn't do this)


Totally skippable! The sequences aren't planned out yet, but no way I'd force that on anyone ๐Ÿ˜‚


I am afraid of Mister Fox, he is pretty dangerous!!! ๐Ÿ˜ง


He certainly has some powers! But perhaps heโ€™ll teach some to you ;P

Ryan Fox

Pilgrim no need to need to fear The Fantastic Major Fox just think carefully about his dialogue, he surely seems interested in helping MC a lot.


OK, thanks, I will trust you guys, but surely keep an eye on him...


now, should I download it now or should I wait for part 2 to have the complete set at once? decisions decisions...


Hello! How to clear automatic saves, I had the impression that the game was cached and now I have problems with the new passage!


Hey Kleng - I didn't think Ren'py did auto-saves? If you mean the saves carried over from previous plays, PCs usually save the files here: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\SpaceCorpsXXX (NB - the Admin in that address should be replaced with whatever you call your primary user account. Ensure you have 'show hidden' enabled to see appdata.


Thanks for the answer, this is exactly what I wanted to know! And yet, I wanted to clarify, I correctly understood that update 0.3.2 affects only the beginning of the game and that all the scenes and dialogs remained unchanged after warning about the quality of images? Or part of the dialogs and scenes will change depending on how the game was started after the update releases ?!


Android version has been added! ๐Ÿ˜€


Parts will change later on depending on your choices - although any old saves will be unaffected since you haven't touched the triggers!


I understood. And this only exacerbates the situation. That intrigue, which was created in anticipation of the release of update 0.3.2, now only "added fuel to the fire" and I can only hope that the second part of the update will open the curtain a little more and we can find out how new events are affecting our hero! I hope the second part of 0.3.2 will not keep you waiting long!




lol - thanks Vaporwavelord! The music is one of my favourite bits ๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽถ