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The first part of the Remaster is almost complete - meaning that I have to start making the renders for the second stage... and here I will need your help!

This relates to the second Corridor scene (where MC plays a porn game on the laptop and gets caught jerking off by Gilly and Sarge). Test renders have created an interesting quandary in a rather dark scene - do I make the scene in natural lighting, or enhanced with artificial lighting?

Natural Lighting:

Artificial Lighting:

This is a real dilemma for me - natural lighting is more cinematic - deeper and richer, with superior shadows, highlights and scatter effects... But artificial lighting makes the pornographic side clearer - there's a reason most porn is so brightly lit! This is one of those rare moments that I find myself exactly 50/50 on the issue 😱

Fortunately, Patreon offers me a great route out of this dilemma... democracy! πŸ—³ Let me know which of the versions you prefer, and the winner will be implemented πŸ˜€

Save me from indecision! πŸ˜‚


(PS - the old versions from the current game are in the attachments for reference ⏬)




I would say natural lighting is much better because the story doesn't take place only in these corridors, so it is necessary to plan everything in relation to other places etc.


Hmm I do see the dilemma, natural lighting looks better and more... natural lol. But since the intent of this particular scene is the pornographic aspect, I guess I'm leaning more towards artificial lighting. If it were a story development scene that wasn't necessarily meant to be lewd, then natural would be the way to go. So yeah, I'd give a sliiiight edge to Artificial.


Natural for sure, except when looking at Volchak ./wink


It's a corridor on a space ship. What is "natural" in that scene would be overexposure because of corridor light. First two pictures look to dark, which would mean there is not enough light in the corridor in the first place, and there is way to many stuff lying around for it to be that dim.

Ryan Fox

Natural. I get it's a porn game obviously, but natural looks more cinematic and that can give you more elements to play with if you like. Additionally, and maybe it was the sample pic given for artificial light, MC looks a bit washed out. Nothing looks overexposed or anything, but for me the artificial light just doesn't work as much, but it could be the sample. Either way, you technically do have veto power, if you wanted to say hang democracy you could πŸ˜‚ and just go with whatever you wanted deep down anyway πŸ˜‰


Natural, a corridor is always little bit darker than the rest (of the ship in this case).


Really unhelpfully I'm with you on an even 50/50 split!


I would love to say use natural light since I usually prefer more realism, but in this case most of the details are obscured by there not being enough lighting in the scene so I pretty much have to vote for artificial light. Honestly I think the best solution would be to "naturally" increase the amount of light sources in the corridor so that you can just use natural light but it's lit up like a porn scene. Realistically the way everyone in the Space Corps acts, I think they would design their ships to all have porn lighting built in anyway. πŸ˜‰ Besides, considering how far in the future it is I'm sure they have lights working so efficiently that they barely use any power at all so they can put them everywhere.


I vastly prefer the artificial lighting. The natural lighting is too dark. Even in the teasers you've already posted, I've generally preferred the "before" image in terms of the lighting. It's not even close to 50/50 for me. Remembering back to the Rydick release, many of those scenes were too dark (for a reason, I know). With natural lighting I'm afraid we wouldn't see anything at all.


I voted artificial but then I'm wondering if the scene will stand out unnaturally too much with respect to the others if just this scene is shot in artificial lighting and the rest with the natural one...

Jason McDonald

I'm kind of in agreement with you and am also on the fence. I really like the look of the natural lighting, but certain elements just don't "pop" the way it does on the artificial. What I don't like about the artificial is the white balance leans toward over-exposure on areas that aren't the "porn" focus (ie. the metal railings). So which is better? Good question. I will have to side with natural even though it is dark, because the over exposure is almost distracting.


Hmm so maybe change it a bit and install floor lighting, or increase their brightnes and with that keep it more on natural side.

Matthew Prim

I would have to say artificial light cuz I like to be able to really see the nakedness :D


πŸ˜€ An extremely interesting debate happening here! (well, interesting for someone who spends time worrying about lighting sources, anyway πŸ˜‚). Without wanting to prejudge, it appears that artificial has taken a strong lead so far - but with some concerns about over-exposure and wash-out. It may be possible to somewhat remedy this in photoshop (e.g. by increasing vibrancy and spinning up the curves of shadows a touch). It may equally be possible to adjust brightness in PS on the natural images... although lightening a darker scene tends to add noise to the image. Keep on voting - I'll be keeping the poll open until I need to start making the images in a few days - and both the results and the comments are proving very valuable!


Natural lighting, always