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The Remaster continues! 😂 It's actually really hard... back when I made these images, I needed a different file structure because my computer couldn't render the characters and background at the same time. This means a lot of laborious stitching images together and playing 'spot-the-difference' for hours at a time 😫

It's so hard that I actually ended up making about a hundred dud images for the first MedBay scene... 😭 (bloody 👥shadows!). I've just spent most of the last week fixing them, which sucks - but I think it's all looking good now! Somehow, I'm ahead of schedule, tho - which means a sneak peek at the next scene on the list: Decontamination01

the past:

the future!:

I'm not sure if I'll have time to finish the Decon remaster before the next release, so this might be a teaser from the distant future... However, I do have some big announcements about other new content in the update coming soon... 😋

🖖🏻 RanliLabz Out

MAJOR EDIT: I have changed the remastered image (major change, actually!) After a bit of thought, I realised I wasn't happy with the lighting - and since the whole point is to make this perfect, it has been altered to reflect that. The aborted remaster is in the attachments for the record 😉



Adán García

I love their reflections on the floor

Ryan Fox

I think Adán García's point is a good one, between the reflections on the polished floor and the richer shadows we have a clearer perspective and depth of field in the image. Really great work!