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Happy New Year Everybody!

Well – 2019 is almost over (or actually over depending on your time zone 😉), and what a year it’s been! For me it’s been a fantastic one – you guys have helped me devote myself entirely to my dream job of making SpaceCorps; upgrade my rickety old rig into a superpowered beast of a computer; and provided me with support, advice and friendship throughout. I know from our chats on here and Discord that many of you guys have had a wild ride too – changing jobs or getting married, starting new courses or moving to new countries, learning new things and finding love…

Of course, not everything is positive (much as I’d like it to be!) and some have had more difficult times in 2019. To them I say – fortunes can change, often remarkably fast, and often in ways you simply can’t predict. I was having a shocker of a year back in 2018 (😂 and 2017!) - but my new dawn was just around the corner, and yours may well be too!

As for the year ahead? Well, predictions are a mug's game, but I can promise you that SpaceCorps will be getting bigger and better than ever... and that I have a few little treats for you tucked up my sleeve 😜 

🥂 Anyway – New Year’s toasts are best kept brief… so have a great night, be merry – and stay safe. 

Oh, and have a most excellent 2020!

Love, RanliLabz




Stop moping in the corner Cole. Who do you think you are, me? ... ... ... One Marellion Ale please.


Hehe - he only comes alive at midnight. You should see his Electric Boogaloo!


I think Hanzi might have a thing for yah Cole.

Ryan Fox

Safe? Aw that’s no fun, live dangerously! But please do drink responsibly...otherwise you’ll wake up on a circular waterbed under a mess of sleeping and sweaty bodies in the penthouse of a hotel. Wondering how did I get here? Where did that tattoo come from...it’s kind of cool. Then upon further exploration of the suite you find the floor a mess of broken glass, glitter, broken furniture, and cheap booze soaked into the carpet. You begin to panic as you walk nearly naked to what you think is the bathroom, praying whoever reserved this place didn’t use your credit card. You open the door and discover a still groggy, but you’re guessing still rather cranky, tiger in what was in fact not the bathroom but another bedroom. Shutting the door quickly and barricading it with an obliging couch you wonder, what the heck happened here? Where are my clothes!? I need to get out before whoever owns that tiger comes looking for it. And say to yourself ‘there had better not be a python in the bathroom when I find it. That might be my limit.’


The gorilla in the closet was a surprise... Why was it wearing lingerie! 😱


I don't know, Cole may not have any other chance. lol..Not with the girls anyway.