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We did it! We surpassed the goal and then some... and I can't thank you guys enough for making it happen 🀩. I didn't imagine when I published SpaceCorps just (*checks calendar*) 1 year and 4 days ago that we'd already be up at over 400 patrons and $3000... but your generosity and support has helped make it one of the most successful games of 2019! πŸ€—

Every Goal, of course, has a promise attached... so let's see what crazy thing I pledged to do this time... 😲 (*drum roll*) And it looks like I'm going to be expanding the art team!


As it stands, all the renders in the game have been made by me - but even with the improved hardware and software you guys have helped me buy, I've reached a wall of 300-400 images a month that I can't seem to exceed. This can be a little frustrating sometimes... I've got so many ideas more or less ready to go, and it's become clear that I need help with the art. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ¨

So, the plan is to find someone who can make at least 100 high-quality Daz Iray 1920x1080 images per month... for as little money as I can get away with πŸ˜‚. That might be with my characters as part of the main game, or with original characters as part of a secret project I won't discuss here 🀐. The vital thing is that the artist would need a proven track record in producing that volume of art to a deadline - a comic maker or a game dev looking for a new project, for example. Their own sexual preferences wouldn't matter, of course, since the SpaceCorps philosophy can make room for just about anything πŸ˜‚

You guys, of course, would have first dibs on that - so if you fit the requirements or know someone who does, let me know. Just to reiterate to avoid disappointment, though, I'm only looking for an artist with a proven record at this point. I already have a few very talented artists/devs that caught my eye in mind - and I'll be contacting them over the weekend.

Thank you again - so much - for helping me reach the goal, and for the overall amount of support, encouragement, advice and suggestions you've given me. You really are the best crew on Patreon 😍

😘 RanliLabz




This is so awesome! Well done matey, you deserve every bit of it. Congrats!

Matthew Scott

Congrats dude! I hope you find folks to help you soon.


Cheer Sarge - lol, just have to be my most persuasive. I really need them for the Phase 2 bit, so I can push out a whole load of missions at once and get MC's stats up πŸš€


Well, so, happy birthday or something like this and congratulations πŸ₯‚ My only concern with the help you are looking for would be how to ensure, that you will still have the total control on the quality, or in other words. everything will be according your refined and original taste we love so much πŸ˜›

Ryan Fox

Congratulations!!! If I think of anyone I'll definitely message you about it, how's that for an early Christmas gift (reaching your goal) someone has certainly been on the nice list this year...which is interesting considering the naughty content...but the results speak for themselves...must be the nice list...I think.


Thanks Pilgrim! :D Yeah - bit nerve-racking taking the risk, but SpaceCorps has always been a risky game! And don’t worry - quality control will be intense to the point of tyrannical ;P


Good to hear. Happy to have anything that will make the game reach the virtual novel dating portions as I cannot wait to really be able to pursue Cole and Sam.