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Hello all! The All-Patron Release is now out... so come get it while it's hot πŸ˜‚ Another enjoyable one to make... with an awful lot of set-building this time round (meaning I get to indulge in a bit of interior design πŸ€“) I suggest that you play the alternates (unless you don't like the characters) - they're pretty different.

I'm always interested to know what you guys think - so let me know in the likes and comments below, or over on Discord. And if you see any bugs or typos alert the authorities immediately! In the Early Release, I bone-headedly disabled the scene in Hell with Lloricain for v0.2.4... 😳! But thanks to some eagle-eyed Majors, that should all be patched back up.


WINDOWS: SpaceCorps_v0.2.7_PC (MEGA 1.3GB)

WINDOWS: SpaceCorps_v0.2.7_PC (GDRIVE 1.3GB)

MAC: SpaceCorps_v0.2.7_Mac (MEGA 1.3GB)

ANDROID: SpaceCorps_v0.2.7_Android (MEGA 607MB)

PS - If you want to see the mmmm scene with Sam, you'll have to play the f/m path in VirtualWorld (I know, the logic of that sucks, but that's where it fits into the plot and m/m players will not need to go through any f/m sex scenes to get there - just to see some tits 🎱😱🎱).

EDIT: Android version now released - sorry about the wait for that!



Ryan Fox

Well, it’s always hot, so not really a time-sensitive thing there is it?


I was right, Sam was in SUCH a perill! Fortunately, only in the perverted mind of Morgana. All the same, she can't be behave like this! She really does need go through some sort of strong anti-VIRus, and MALE-ware, doesn't she? :-)

Matthew Prim

OMG Sam! VR or reality he is still my fave!


He seemed to enjoy it in the middle there. Not as much peril as you thought. I will admit I was wrong about the mouse ... for now.

Ryan Fox

Oh he definitely enjoyed it πŸ˜‰ But no worries Pilgrim, it was just a VR mock-up, the real Sam was always safe and sound. Even if the green hair was kinda cool...very Beast Boy πŸ… rawr 🐯 And MC enjoyed it too it sounded like...although as Lancelot said, one could argue, because it wasn't ever...real...it doesn't count right?


Yes, the green was fine, but it was also an evidence of the fake nature of this Sam, a product of the corrupted computer :-)


One thing I am wondering is when will MC finally get clothes I mean I am not complaining but it's funny that he just doesn't care one bit if he is running around naked or not xD


"mad jokes" lol


i want more gay stuff with sam plz...


lol - he's adapted surprisingly fast πŸ˜‚ but he'll have to get some clothes pretty soon for story reasons 😒 - not that he won't be jumping in and out of them quite a lot!


lol - such a big file of ideas for that πŸ˜‚ Sam's romance is a fairly slow burn though - so be warned it won't be as fast as with the SpaceCorps officers!


I am new here and i dont know when released new versions can you answer that or depends?


Generally depends... I’m actually going to do a proper Dev Diary post about that quite soon. I think the next version should be in early December - Lieutenants+ get it at least 3 days early, all patrons at least 1 day early (this time I’m doing it for longer than usual).


Second the clothes, I want more gay stuff with and get to know more about Cole. While Sam is nice Cole is my favourite thus far and I like the variety of teased paths with him. Particularly keen to see how his lover and sissy paths turn out. Hope I can cure my version of the mc from his Anna obsession, she's the one I find the least interesting of our fellow cadets. While I'm obviously only really interested in gay sex at least Fatima seems to challenge the mc to think and stand up for himself.


Hehe - re the Anna thing you’ll prob be pleased in the next update ;P (can’t help giving spoilers, lol) But don’t worry Anna fans - you’ll be happy too!


I loaded my game from my last save which was when the alarm went off , when I found anna the game gave me a to be continued is that really the end for this version?


Yes, the main plot should move on a little bit faster, otherwise there is serious risk that SpaceCorps will outmatch StarWars not only in wits and sex :-)


Is it too much of a spoiler to ask what kind of kinks may still be added in the future updates or is that question okay?


Well, I'm not sure which ones are coming, but I know which ones aren't coming. Some of which can't be stated outright, so I'll just say the massively illegal kinks aren't going in the game, nothing fecal or prolapsed is going in the game, and I don't think watersports are going in either. Everything else has a chance of popping up in a later update I think.


Thanks for the answer ^^ I mean the ones not coming are fairly obvious I guess after all due to the rules of the site itself xD So no one should be expecting that xd


Hey Ranulf πŸ˜€ All questions are good with me! There are a lot of kinks to come - but they're not all planned out and I like to leave them as a bit of a surprise per update. However, some of the kinks/traits I've already leaked include: Bondage(r), GILFer, Beastly (anthro only, obvs), Sissifier, Bottom, Rimshot, Footie Fan and Roboner. I'm happy to answer questions about those - and to hear if you think everything you've seen in game should have been marked as a kink, but wasn't! 😜