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Take a seat and let me tell you 'bout the time Cousin Felix stumbled across Pastor Chang down at the Watering Hole. Ain't much to the tale, in truth - beyond young Felix discovering that Chang was keepin' a rather large secret under that dowdy ol' cassock of his. Well, and that the good Pastor had a shockin' fine physique for a man of his years and occupation! Heck, the horny lil' feller was so distracted by Chang's ripped, wet bod that he didn't even notice the two clues that would prove so integral to the events that followed.

Perhaps you can in the comments below - while Felix takes care of other matters 😂 If you can, I figure you'd probably deserve some kind of reward...




I can’t get Spacecorps to download on my tablet and could not open it on my pc (probably my limited skill with technology). I am interested in the m/m version. Thank you for your kind response.


Ah - if the tablet is an Apple product, it won't work. To open the game on your PC use Winrar [download it here for free: https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0]


You are wonderful. I absolutely love your creativity and great looking characters. Felix and Pastor Chang are proof. Thank you so much for your assistance.