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And now time for the male winners 😜 Seems as though Cousin Felix crushed the opposition with a stonking 102 votes - although Pastor Chang had an unexpectedly strong showing with 84 (I wonder what surprising new revelation about him could have upped his popularity so much? πŸŒπŸ˜‚)

To see more of this charming pastoral vignette (including a few fun clues to the Pastor Chang storyline) - check in later this week for the Once Upon a Time minicomic (available Ensigns+) πŸ––πŸ˜˜




Could it be that perfect body and that huge uncut meat?...nah. It's probably the hat.


More like Pastor Wang! πŸ† I'm ready to kneel down and receive The Lord! πŸ™

Matthew Prim

Cousin Felix is the best cousin there can be!


Holy sh....! This is a damn incredible teaser! Ranli, you are going to have many of your crew-members on your conscience, this is not fun! :-)


Probably, but I'm getting more and more suspicious that Ranli is able to come with second and then third cousin even more sexy, and then I am not sure, what we will poor guys do :-))


Hehe - you'll be getting the rest of this vignette at the end of the week, so not top long to hold out! πŸ˜‚

Ryan Fox

πŸ€” One can only guess what specifically Cousin Felix is contemplating to have himself so worked up. It'll be interesting to find out if Chang comes out on top or is just so full of surprises...one of the bigger ones led to his surprising popularity no doubt.