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It's the final countdown! πŸ˜‚ (You'll get that later... unless you play the other path. In which case some sort of joke about red balloons. 99 of them. The Germans in the audience know what I talking about, Ja?)

It's here! Almost two months in the making, and it's beeeg! (and filthy! 😜) I've said quite a lot about it already, so I won't do my usual splurge of quasi-spoilers... just that I hope you enjoy it πŸ˜€

WIN: SpaceCorps-0.2.6-PC (1.11GB) (Google)

WIN: SpaceCorps-0.2.6-PC (1.11GB) (Mega)

MAC: SpaceCorps-0.2.6-Mac (1.11GB) (Google)

ANDROID: SpaceCorps-0.2.6-Android (508MB) (Mega)

Any and all comments are much appreciated... The best place for bug and typo reports is over on my Discord, other comments anywhere else you like! 😘 Oh, and if you like it, like it below!

I'm off to celebrate with an overly large bag of Malteasers. πŸ˜‚

EDIT: Mac version uploaded. Also, I ate too many Malteasers 😜

EDIT: Released for All-Patrons-Only!

EDIT: Released for Public Consumption!

EDIT: Android version is up! Thanks to Spear1403 for porting it! 😁

NB - I've been alerted to some issues with the relationship points you get with Cis... one is an error screen after earning a cispoint, the other is an error screen when entering the Stable after gaining a cispoint. I think this only affects those playing games that started earlier than 3 months ago, but would appreciate you telling me if your having problems below.

I'm adding two comments below (I had problems with cispoints & I had no problem with cispoints) - please like whichever fits you best... it would really help me nail the issue down! πŸ”¨πŸ€ͺ




Those balloons wouldn't be luft would they?


Loved it, great song choices for the scenes.


Thanks Major! Lots of emphasis on the music in this one... I had a blast! πŸ˜‚


Really enjoyed it! Yours is one of the few adult games that I don't feel like skipping through the dialogue for, it's genuinely funny stuff!

Ryan Fox

I forgot how good some of the other haircuts were, kinda wish we coulda chose one a new look, still that would've created a lot more work for our dear dev team. 'The Jock' WAS decided by vote so...I guess there is no one to blame...seriously can't wait for the next update because it looks like...we're leaving ground, leaving ground...for that beach planet. It almost seemed my choices leading up to that update were starting to impact things a bit more, maybe it was just me. I can't help but wonder if...things will ever be the same again? How far away is the next update? Also again, maybe it's me but it feels like Phase1 is in...the final countdown.

Ryan Fox

Seriously though, loved the update and noticed through a couple different options, Lancelot, Sam and Fatima all seem to have developed a certain fondness for Meathead, a bit of it is physical I grant you but it almost felt like there might be something more.


Thanks Major! 😘 You're right to say that the end of Phase 1 nears (probably! I do keep adding in extra scenes! πŸ˜‚) And yes - MC's fellow Cadets are really starting to warm to him... though Lancelot/Morgana may be getting a little *too* warm πŸ˜‰


BUGFINDER: I had problems with cispoints


BUGFINDER: I had no problems with cispoints


Loved the update, great work. πŸ‘ Also, I'm very, very jealous of Lady Na'amah. πŸ‘ΏπŸ†πŸ‘Ώ

Tim Bohnsack

For some reason after I finish the haircut part it and it gives me my ending it wont close the ending screen to finish the update. :/


I was right! I was right! A miiiighty threesome! :-) Thank you very much and looking forward to next chapter!


That’s weird! So you’re saying that you’re on the (e.g) 1/3 Ending screen and when you click β€˜Would You Like to See More?’ if doesn’t show you the little closing bit in the Corridor?


Just played and loved the latest update. I know we're meant to hate Cole but I just felt so bad for him, that music was perfect. Can't wait until we get to interact more with the 4 other cadets


So only M/F scene? Talk about spreading yourself too thin. Bad update


Thanks Auron! Lol - I'm trying to balance that fine line by giving you reasons to hate Cole and reasons to want to 'save' him πŸ˜‰ I enjoy challenges!


Hey G3 - there's actually an M/M scene, a M/F scene, an MMF scene and an M/Futa scene. All full scenes, something for everybody. πŸ˜‰


I really liked that nerd!


So, the game was supposed to end after the haircut part, right?


Um sorry for the question but how can i find the m/m scene in this update? :)


No need to apologise Ensign! πŸ˜€ To get the m/m scene, choose HanZi to cut your hair in the Medbay (the pink option always takes you to the bi/gay/homoerotic content).