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Yup, these here polls are coming thick and fast this Summer... That's on account of Phase 2 approaching quicker'n one of them fancy new FTL-drive railcars - and the need for me to get my ducks in a row before all them crazy missions start! That's where you fellers come in - helping me to choose which of the SpaceCorps posse gets priority, and which of them gets to cool their heels until a later date.

This bunch of reprobates is mainly for the Flashback sequences... though a few of them may be making unexpected appearances on board, and good ol' Cis is very much main-cast! For those folks as don't fully recollect their monikers, their names from left to right are as follows:

Pastor Chang, Bailey, Cousin Felix, Cis, Lil' Gilly Mulligan and the Widow Mulligan.

You can vote for as many of them as you like (Heck, I positively encourage it!) Enjoy votin' below, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter.

Adios amigos! ๐Ÿคช




I always knew Pastor Chang was a sexy mf under those clothes XD


True enough! However, it does not make voting any easier! Rather the very opposite :-)


Puttin' the fun back into fundamentalist every goddarn day! (and the mental ๐Ÿ˜‚) But remember, Pilgrim - you can vote for as many as you like (SpaceCorps ain't stingy!) ๐Ÿ˜€


Yes, physically sexy, but Pastor Chang's use of religion to oppress others knocks him off of the list for me. Look at how guilt-obsessed he has made the MC about all things sexual. I have a hard time forgiving that. ๐Ÿ˜€ But a story arc where he is exposed for his hypocrisy, or maybe even one where he tries to make up for the harm that his teachings have caused, could be good. While not part of this poll, I think that Cole comes across as a candidate for a redemptive story line. The recruits are all pretty young and, while rare, we probably all know people that have have left behind the assholery of their youth and become much better people as adults. Cheers!


I just discovered the "Who's Small Now?" art from January. Perhaps redemption is not in Cole's future. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Matthew Prim

Cousin Felix is the one for me!

Ryan Fox

That was...not what I was expecting from Pastor Chang...not at all. I kind of thought he had Cole's...condition, but less physically adept. Which would explain a few things. I see I was mistaken...that makes the vote a little harder. ๐Ÿค” But D-A-M-N Felix is hot. So is Bailey.


He has hidden assets ๐Ÿ˜‚ So does Bail... whaaattt!? Shhh RanliLabz! ๐Ÿค


Cis is nice because I love incest and lil gilly mulligan is really cute but by far my favorite is the widow mulligan. There's not enough big or mature girls in these kinds of games.


Are those lights on her chest confirmation that Lil' Gilly is an android?


Glad the Widow's got some support! ๐Ÿ˜ I've got a fun plan for her... ๐Ÿ˜‹


Strange, it seems from the voting so far, that people do not realise the perfect and almost fateful matching of Pastor Chang and Widow Mulligan!!!


lol - don't worry (it's gonna happen anyway! ๐Ÿ˜€) The Polls are mainly about how much the character will appear!