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Well... Just name actually πŸ˜‚

Another Name Contest! We've got a few new Majors and Captains on deck - so I hope you'll all pull up a chair and get commenting! As always, this will have a real impact on game direction - although this time round there can be only one winner! 😲

The task - name our geeky, somewhat vulnerable, fellow Cadet - first name and last name to be eligible, and a nickname if you fancy πŸ˜‰ Also, let me know what Branch you'd like to see him in most (anything but Comfort and ServiCorps is available).

The winner will be the Name I most like (guided by upvotes, so if you like someone's suggestion, click those thumbs!) and the Branch I see mentioned or upvoted the most times. Show Me What You Got!*

*My own vote will go to anyone whoever tells me which of my favourite TV shows this is from πŸ€“



Timothy Saura

Doc Chester jester, " geck"


All great names so far! πŸ˜ƒ The contest won't be closed until the 3rd if anyone wants to put in a late entry!