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My last post before the update! 😁

I wanted to get this one in to let everyone know that not all the images in the update are mine πŸ˜‰ Your fellow crewmember, Major RampantShadow, has been an absolute superstar helping me out with some of the non-rendered graphics and user interface that used to eat up so much of my time - like this log-in screen for the lovely Cis' laptop! (weird how everyone in SpaceCorps used the same passwords, right? πŸ˜‚).

You'll actually get a better idea of his work in-game (it's hard to display UI stuff in all it's glory because of the clickables and context, etc) but I'm incredibly pleased with the images he's knocked up for me! πŸ€— There are actually going to be some more announcements on that over the next couple of months - but for the time being, please make sure to upvote his work below and let him know what a mensch he is! 😍




I am afraid to ask what a mensch is. πŸ˜†


No wukkers πŸ˜‰ It means a person of honour and integrity, and an all round good guy πŸ˜„ It's a Yiddish word (Americans, or at least New Yorkers should be pretty familiar with it) - part of my obsessive collection of good words from around the world!

Ryan Fox

Woah...🀩....that is impressive work on that login screen. It looks like a bonafide promotional poster you'd hand out as schwag...at cool parties and events not those cheapo ones done in the backroom of a dive. The other thing that's popping into my head...robots? Yes please! I know we had the AI but still...whole'nother level pardner. I would say something using the word schlemiel but I can't think of anything clever at the moment. Maybe I'll edit something in later. Great work Major, can't wait to see the update, but if this is any indication as only a log in screen, it's gunna be great.


Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!