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Howdy, Pardner! Come on down to Branson's Dome - a 'lil slice of the Old West re-located to the Outer Solar System! You're all outta luck if whisky's your tipple - but we've got religious fanaticism aplenty, and our geodesic Rad-Shields are guaranteed to protect you from the worst of Jupiter's radiation.*

Now, I'd better skedaddle before Pastor Chang notices that I ain't decent... That feller sure can be a prude, and I wouldn't want to end up in the Hot-Box again!

Adios, Amigos!

* Any statements of guarantee are to be read as colloquial, and are contrary to the current scientific consensus. Branson's Dome accepts no liability for hair loss, IQ loss, religious mania, genital expansion or death.






Looks like a right friendly place!