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May Peace be upon you Crew! Time for the final Cadet Haircut poll in this round - giving Anna a new style (upstairs and down!)  ✂✂✂

The rules are simple - one vote for her haircut, one vote for her pubes. Any additional votes will be discounted! Additionally, I will overturn democracy if the protest-vote options (K-Pop and J-Pop) win! 😂 However, you can win an extra vote by correctly answering the Anna-related questions I post in the comments below (1 per Crewmember).

Now, in a way this poll matters more than the last, because this isn't purely aesthetic. The choice of haircut will affect which of the Seven branches of SpaceCorps Anna eventually joins (and I'm not going to tell you which! 🤐)

Really looking forward to seeing which way you go! 😛



i really really like the mariyln super sexy!


Anna Quiz 3: (for a doubling of your vote) What hairstyle does Anna tell Cole she used to have at school?


It's one of my faves too, LT 😀 You can double your vote by answering the question below 😉


i dont think she actually tell him at least what i remember of the playthrough?


lol - she did (admittedly I'm being obscure). hint: it's in the scene where she discovers that he doesn't remember her.


she said her hair was braided!


😁 Congrats, LT! (and very dedicated!) I'll double your vote when the poll closes 😉


Anna Quiz 4: (for a doubling of your vote) How would you define Anna's philosophical or moral outlook from what you've seen of her? (There are no right answers, any length. If there are a few, I'll choose the most upvoted!)


She seems like the shy good girl very soft spoken i don't think she is pearl clutching but she is devoutly religious but not a zealot,


She seems like she's outgoing when clothed, but due to her upbringing on Ganymede, she has a slight prudish attitude towards sexual acts. Friendly to everyone but not exactly friends with those below her standing, not because she tried to but because it just happened that way.(Sorry Patrick, he said 1 answer per patron, but I probably won't get it either)(Clever Ranli trying to get us to flesh out her personality while staging it as a quiz)


can blame me for trying im invested in not seeing anna with trek hair!


I like your chutzpah, ya know what, I'm going to change my vote from the vastly superior but slightly underrated Yoga to the Marilyn just for you (I also like the Renaissance, but unfortunately that isn't going anywhere.)


lol - love the enthusiasm, Patrick! You've really got me rooting for Marilyn now!


Two great answers to Q4 - and they both fit my own view of Anna, so big thanks to Patrick and Umbreeyoree! I can't give the prize to Patrick (he already won Q3 😉), but it looks like he converted Umbreeyoree to Marilyn... nicely played, LT! As it stands, the quiz has given 2 additional votes to Marilyn, 1 to The Trek and 1 to Classic Anna - they'll be added at the end of the Poll!


a house divided against itself cannot stand thanks for the help Umbreeyoree!


No problem. Sorry to all the Trek fans, I just feel it would look better on a darker haired character, possibly with purple highlights.


I can see that (tho highlights can be a bitch! 😉) Suggestion added to the giant list of good Patron ideas!


The Marilyn is in enough of a lead that I'm switching my vote back to the Yoga. I'm sorry Patrick Mbahi, but I had to do stick to my preference, like I did with the MC poll.