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Fatima's new haircut has been decided! 😁

The overwhelming winner of the Poll is Land of Kush - with 15 of the 51 votes cast and 3 of the 4 competition winner votes for a total 32.72% vote share. It absolutely trounced its nearest rivals Nightshade (8 votes) and Tiger, Tiger (7 votes).

I'm really happy with the choice (it was my vote too!). I think it's gorgeous - authentically racial (well, aside from being snow-white!) and it really balances out those big ol' tits and ass!

Coming very soon, the last of this round of Sergeant+ Haircut Polls before the new looks are integrated into the game. 😀 Anna Delacroix... please report to HanZi's Salon for Adjustment. 😱




I love her body 😍😍😍😍😍 and her hair looks perfect


Yeah - I really think the haircut makes her body look even better 😜


That hair definitely suits her (current) personality.