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πŸ˜‚β€¦ this has to be the most ugly ass post I've ever made! Apologies - I've been setting up and testing my new rig for about 24 hours and I'm tired af!

But now it is set-up... OMFG! πŸ€– It's just an order of magnitude above the rig I've been working on up to now (a Β£500, 4-year-old workstation that's now entering a well-deserved retirement!) You can see from the test render above that the Asus is rendering almost 8 times faster than the speeds I've been used to. That doesn't just save me time on the rendering itself, but on the enormous amount of post-work I've had to do in Photoshop for almost every image. It should also let me render deeper, richer backgrounds in the future, and even start making some proper animations! βœ¨πŸ±β€πŸ

And this is all down to you guys πŸ’–- your generous support is the only way I could have afforded this upgrade, and I honestly can't express how grateful I am! (well, I am British... we're not so good at the emotion thing πŸ’‚β€β™‚οΈ). You've helped the game take a major step forward, and I know that together we can turn SpaceCorps into something really big, really meaty, and really fucking sexy! β€πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ† πŸ₯’πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ πŸ’•




Thanks to you for making big quality game, i enjoy a well done game with fetish that i like(like getting kicked in the balls for being rude) and explore a new ones for me, and that is bc of you, so thanks and keep the good job. Sorry for my english :).


Dude, gratz man. Your project is off to a killer start. To afford upgrades within a few months is amazing. It's also nice to see another dev putting money back into the project. As a supporter, I like that a lot and it's cool to be on this side of it. Hopefully, it gives you more time to relax between projects. But lets be honest, all it does it make you wanna try more advanced stuff . Gratz bro :)


That is one sexy beast!


Thanks Roberto! I'm really glad you liked it 😁 - and your English is great!


Congrats on the new rig (also MC's version of he'll looks pretty fun)


Cheers, man! It's all moved so much faster than I could have hoped for - I figured I'd be labouring away on the old rig for a lot longer. I'm getting pretty excited about the chance to get an animation in the March update (I've got one planned for Sam as a belated Favourite Cadet Poll reward πŸ˜‰).


I am insanely jealous, but I'm even happier for you. Great things ahead, I believe ;]

Matthew Prim

Congrats on the new rig! Looks sweet! And the newly rendered body is the hotness!!


I usually take the Hugh Grant approach - a bit of stuttering followed by a pained expression and an uncomfortably long silence. I find it works equally well whether you're being made redundant, or waking up next to a one-night-stand 😬