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'And the unknown challenger is down...! I haven't seen a match over this fast since the bloodbath between Glass-Jaw Joe Nakkurā and Lord Bagarok Doombringer…'

'Absolutely, Bob... and yet she's still punching him! I cannot believe that the Ref isn't stepping in to call the fight...'

'Shocking call, Frank... I saw the Ref heading into the bathroom with one of the Ring girls just after the first bell... He may be gone a while...'

'Phew! MC's gonna have a sore head tomorrow - that's for sure!'

I hope you all had a better Xmas than MC, here!


[PS: if you don't know what Boxing Day is, then you never had the good fortune to be ruled by the glorious and benign British Empire 😉🇬🇧]




I certainly did. Got the best Christmas present ever 😊 my new dream job that is. How about you Mr Labz?


Congrats again on the job, Cap! The Labz household was replete with much good cheer and merry-making this Xmas 😁