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Hey crew! I promised a revised Update Schedule, and here it is! 😀

As you can see, most of the content is the same - although I've added scenes with Ayewn and Kex, and made the Xenobiology 101 missions a little larger [I'm going all out, and have secured a voice actor to play Professor Alpha! More about that nearer the date 😁].

I have made a change to the way they'll be delivered, though... the May update will only be available to higher ranks [Lieutenants, Captains and Majors] until the June update is released; and the August update will only be available to higher ranks until the September update is released*. Annoyingly complicated, I know - it's the best way I can think of to manage the update schedule and get everything finished and ready for Week 2.

TL;DR: More stuff, but it'll take a little longer to finish.

EDIT: Made a mistake in the text of how the May/June updates are to be handled. I've even confused myself, lol 🙄



Darren Martin

Im still confused (really sorry!) Aren't we due the 2.71 update (the one released on 30 May) now ?


2.7.1 will only be released to Lieutenants and above. Towards the end of June, I'll release 2.7.1a - first to Lieutenants and above, then to other ranks in the normal order [I'm hoping it'll be released to all ranks before June is over].

Tae Jackson

I wanted to ask when would the walkthrough section typically be updated?


Hey Tae - the Walkthrough for Season 2 is on indefinite hold [it takes an insanely long time to make!] This year, I'll be making a Mission List that can be referenced in game, so keep tabs on all possible missions & their potential rewards :)


Making love to Sam……..Hmm? Oh the possibilities!